
o challenge a 4-star difficulty task at level 10, and dare to offend experts like them, you can tell that there is something wrong with your brain. Liu Yuxuan had suffered so much from being a coward before, and now that he knew the truth, of course he wanted to get his place back.

o challenge a 4-star difficulty task at level 10, and dare to offend experts like them, you can tell that there is something wrong with your brain. Liu Yuxuan had suffered so much from being a coward before, and now that he knew the truth, of course he wanted to get his place back.
Liu Qian slightly closed his eyes and said nothing. Players still couldn’t attack each other. It was meaningless to say anything. It was better to save some energy and recuperate and prepare for the following tasks.
“Is there any real-level strength showdown after this mission?” Liu Yuxuan saw that Liu Qian still didn’t know how powerful he was, so he raised his head and asked the mission organizer.
“Of course there will be, and it will affect the final result of your mission.” The mission organizer answered Liu Yuxuan.
“If you are tortured or beaten to death at that stage, does it mean that the mission cannot be completed?” Liu Yuxuan asked next.
“Yes.” The mission organizer answered Liu Yuxuan clearly.
“Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Do you know what will happen if you offend me? Believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to live or die?” Liu Yuxuan walked up to Liu Qian very proudly, spitting.
Liu Qian gave Liu Yuxuan a middle finger in return, and then closed his eyes again.
“You should persuade that fool to hand over the gold coins, otherwise we will beat you too!” Liu Yuxuan could not make Liu Gan surrender and beg for mercy, and now he had no way to beat Liu Gan, so he had to angrily threaten Qiu Fu. Here comes Chen Jinyan.
In this mission, Liu Yuxuan is level 14, and like Sun Qi, he is the two highest-level players. Every player level has several times the difference in strength. He has an overwhelming advantage in the fight, like Liu Qian. He couldn’t bear how a level 10 player dared to be so arrogant in front of him.
“What’s going on between you has nothing to do with me, so why bother with me?” Chen Jinyan quickly distanced himself.
“You are in the same group with him now because you are related to him! You can’t hide even if you want! If you don’t want to be implicated, quickly find a way to get him to hand over the gold coins!” Liu Yuxuan’s tone became more severe when he saw that Chen Jinyan was relenting.
“I’ll give you my two gold coins! Don’t cause trouble for me. It really has nothing to do with me!” Chen Jinyan felt very depressed about being implicated by Liu Gan, a rookie. He had no other choice but to I took out two gold coins and spent money to eliminate the disaster.
“You’re a bit jealous! But if he doesn’t hand over the gold coins, this matter between you and I will never end!” Liu Yuxuan threatened Chen Jinyan a few more times and then walked up to Qiu Fu.
/“Amitabha.” After Qiu Fu recited a sentence of Buddha, he also handed the remaining two gold coins from the bag to Liu Yuxuan. Based on their experience in previous missions, they knew that in the real-strength fight, although the actual death would not occur if someone was killed, it would only determine whether they