
a would have such good weather.”

a would have such good weather.”
“Don’t say it young master, even the old man, I have never seen the Black Sea that has been sunny for seven consecutive days, tsk tsk.”
Shaking the ashes from his cigarette, the old boatman sighed.
“It seems that you have been on this sea for a long time.”
“More than a long time, old man, three generations of my family have made a living on this Black Sea. Counting from my grandfather’s generation, it has been more than three hundred years. .”
Looking at the boatman who pretended to be a veteran, Zhou Jijun said with a faint smile.
“Three generations have lived for three hundred years, but your family has a long life.”
Seeing that the young master in front of him knew that he lived a long life, but still showed no respect at all, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in the old boatman’s eyes, but he did not show it on his face, and said with a smile.
“You can’t take it for granted, but living to a ripe old age is not a problem. In the past, when my ancestor was still alive, he once said that this was a fairy fate, tsk tsk.”
“Fairy fate?”
Zhou Jijun chewed in a low voice.
“Yes, immortal fate. But this is just the imagination of our ancestors. No one will believe it. Master, please don’t take it seriously.”
As he said this, the old boatman waved his hand, smiled and walked towards the cabin.
“Anyway, it will still be some time before we get there. I’m tired of the journey, so why don’t we come and listen.”
/Hearing this, the old boatman hesitated, turned around, and looked at Fanzhou Jijun up and down.
“Young Master, do you really want to listen? Well, if you want to listen, Young Master, the old man is naturally more respectful than obeying orders. Let’s talk about it with a smile.”
Taking another puff of dry cigarette, the old boatman held on to the boat pole, narrowed his old eyes and looked into the distance, looking into the distance for a long time. road.
“In this Black Sea, there has been a legend since ancient times. It is said that there is a fairy living in the sea, but it is a black dragon. When it is in a good mood, the Black Sea will be calm and the sun will shine. If it is in a bad mood, there will be violent storms and lightning. Thunder, even a twenty-foot-long building cannot withstand the blows of wind and waves. The legend is just a legend after all, and who would believe it, but the ancestor said… that he had seen the Sea Dragon King with his own eyes
. Looking at the young master, I saw him looking thoughtfully at the waves in the sea, seeming to be listening but not listening.
He sighed secretly and shook his head. The old boatman knew that no one would believe this absurd story, but the story had already begun, so he had no choice but to continue telling it. “That day, I was escorting the boat and met a guest. Hey, it was like an old man meeting a young master. He went up to talk with a dry cigarette in his mouth. The guest was tall, but thin and had a gloomy face. , rarely opened his mouth, and Bizu would often only respond on