
their power. Moreover, he also has the help of 008. If I were him, I would definitely use this to seek more information. As a powerful evil spirit, to maximize its own strength.

“In this way, when the evil spirit is not completely controlled and backfires, Inz Zangwill will show contradictory behavior, which can explain the problem on the telegram.
“In addition, haven’t we always wondered why Ins Zangwill contacted important members of the Spiritual Religion? There are various speculations about this. Asking them to help exorcise, purify or completely control evil spirits may be his purpose.”
Sost thought for a while, carefully weighed his words and said:
“This possibility is not ruled out, but it is basically based on your subjective guess as to how you came up with this and what details inspired you.”
Leonard was inexplicably nervous, while Dai Li chuckled:
“Moreover, since it is discussion and analysis, we have to list various possibilities and then eliminate them based on the results of the actual investigation. Only in this way can we find the correct answer. Therefore, we have to think divergently, no matter how absurd the idea is, dare to propose
“Judging from the various details that have been fed back now, I think my guess may be correct.”
/Ms. Daly is really good at talking. At least I was convinced that she took the initiative to bring up the speculation of evil spirits in order to protect me who had secrets and bring risks to myself. In the case of Inns Zangwill, she seemed to Willing to bear everything, Leonard suddenly felt a sense of emotion.
After listening to Dai Li’s answer, Sost nodded slightly:
“Indeed, since it is a discussion, we cannot limit our thinking.
“The possibility of being possessed by evil spirits is really not small. I will report to His Excellency Eye of the Goddess, and the archbishop and senior deacons will arrange follow-up investigations. After all, we know too little about 008.”
“The Red Glove Team led by Sost discovered the anomaly in Inz Zangwill from the telegrams sent back from various places. Daly Simone used this to propose the hypothesis of evil spirit possession, which received relatively unanimous recognition.
“She claims to be a reasonable guess, but she actually knows something about it, from Leonard Mitchell, who has a parasite, and Leonard Mitchell’s information comes from the letter sent by Renette Tinichole , who could be the sender?
“Meanwhile, Leonard Mitchell and Daly Simone are already suspecting that the evil spirit possessing Ince Zangwill is of the Hunter Path”
A classical quill pen without ink seems to be being held by an invisible hand, writing quickly on an ordinary notebook.
Suddenly, a pale palm stretched out and held the quill.
/The owner of the palm has dark golden hair and deep facial features like a classical statue. One eye is dark blue and almost black, and the other is covered with small and obvious blood vessels.
His wrist sank and he continued to write:
“But is this the truth of the matter? Will everything develop as Daly S