
nvolved in the game, felt a little suffocated at this moment.

“…” Qunaskerg’s body trembled slightly, but in the end he grabbed 50 pounds of chips and threw them out.
/Dwayne Dantès glanced at the deputy director of MI9 and smiled as if he didn’t feel any pressure at all:
Hearing these words, Colonel Calvin turned his head and nodded to Dwayne Dantès, whose blue eyes were as deep as a lake at night, in recognition.
In his opinion, Admiral Aemilius’s pressure would have no effect on a person whose purpose was to lose money.
“Nine of spades.”
Three spades appeared on the card, and the probability of a flush suddenly increased. However, Admiral Amyrius still did not hesitate at all and calmly pushed out a stack of chips:
“100 pounds.”
Qunaskerg tapped his fingers on his hole card several times, looking less confident, but in the end, he still chose to follow the bet.
Dwayne Dantès glanced at the Major General and Deputy Director again, and said with a gentle smile:
He has never seen his trump card until now, which makes Colonel Calvin a little worried. He thinks that such a performance is too much and is just a gesture of giving away money. Admiral Amyrius, who has a relatively conservative style, may not accept it.
“Club 2.”
In this way, the entire community card is completely formed:
“Two of spades, nine of hearts, king of spades, nine of spades, two of clubs.”
“200 pounds.” Admiral Amyrius pushed down a pile of metal chips with a crash, his momentum was extremely shocking.
Qunaskerg took a deep breath first, and then rolled out two stacks of chips:
“500 pounds.”
This amount of money is equivalent to half a year’s salary on his face.
Is this a bluff? Colonel Calvin and Congressman Macht looked at each other and felt that Major General Kilger’s behavior was a little obvious and could be easily seen through.
You must know that playing Texas Hold’em poker, in addition to fund management and probability calculations, often also involves a psychological game – body language, facial expressions, attitude, or betting style will all reveal one’s trump cards.
Of course, there are also powerful players who will use these details to deliberately mislead their opponents.
Dwayne Dantès looked at Qunaskerg up and down, suddenly laughed, and then said the same as before:
Admiral Amyrius raised his hands, preparing to push out all the remaining chips and overwhelm the opponent with his momentum.
At this moment, his movements suddenly stopped, and his expressionless face showed a little solemnity.
After a few seconds of silence, he said calmly:
At this point, you can open your hole cards and compare them.
Admiral Aimilius first turned over his own cards, an ace of spades, a 10 of spades, and the 2 of spades, a k of spades, and a 9 of spades in the community cards, forming a flush. This is a pretty big card. The only ones bigger than it are full house, four of a kind, straight flush and royal flush.
“It’s your turn.” Amyrius immediately urged Qonas.
Qonas turn