

It’s a pity that this is a time of war, and strong political skills are not enough. As long as you encounter a failure, the previously suppressed conflicts will explode.
“I don’t care what your reasons are, you must arrive at Dadir City within three days and go straight to the rebels’ lair.
/I sent out gryphon cavalry and detected that the enemy was recruiting strong men. Wright and Wyton are both large counties, with a combined population of over half a million people. Even after one defeat, the enemy can still bring back tens of thousands of young men.
You should all know the style of the Skull and Bones Society. If they are desperate to recruit young men, the actual number will definitely be higher.
If you don’t want to turn the two counties into a white field and face a steady stream of enemies, you must increase your marching speed.
This is my minimum requirement to complete a three-day, one-hundred-mile march without affecting combat effectiveness.
If you have any ideas, please tell me. If it works, I won’t be stingy with rewards. ”
Earl Pierce’s words made everyone’s eyes brighten. This was a promise made in front of everyone. If the reward was less, it would be a slap in his own face.
Seeing that everyone was deep in thought, Hudson’s focus shifted to the “Gryphon Cavalry”. This is the legendary air force branch. I didn’t expect it to appear here.
However, judging from the usage, there should not be many under Earl Pierce. Otherwise, they would not have been absent from the previous battle at Ethel Fortress.
Cherish the arms as they are as rare as magicians, so naturally they cannot be used for consumption.
The adult griffon is a second-level monster. Even on the ground, it can defeat three Hudsons, and its combat effectiveness in the sky is even more impressive.
As far as Hudson knew, there was only one gryphon cavalry regiment in the entire Alpha Kingdom, and it was still understaffed, with only slightly more people than the mage regiment.
This is the result of hundreds of years of accumulation in the kingdom. At the beginning, the royal family only obtained two pairs of griffins, and it took two hundred years of breeding to reach its current scale.
Of course, there must be some consumption in the middle of the war. Anyway, the fertility rate of this thing is definitely not that high, unlike porcupines that have several litters a year.
Attention is attention, unless you sell yourself and go over there, a mount of this level will definitely not be as worthy as Hudson.
Viscount Oran said indifferently.
He knew that this was Count Pierce’s plan, but for the sake of profit, he still had to jump in, so he naturally felt unhappy.
In fact, even if you get rid of the baggage. There is still great uncertainty for all four armies to arrive at the front line on time.
After all, the rebels are not fools and have been waiting for them to fight.
The Skull and Bones Society, which has no aristocratic baggage, has always done whatever it takes to achieve its goals. For them, they have no idea what th