
Immediately afterwards, he leaned back on the chair and fell into a deep sleep, allowing his astral body to contact the outside world.

He is using the technique of “dream divination” to allow himself to “communicate” with the resentments that are entangled with Sir De Vere in a spiritual environment similar to dreaming.
/Only through communication can we get answers and solve problems
Woo woo woo
Sad cries lingered in Klein’s ears, and he “saw” white and transparent figures emerging one after another around him.
Hey, hey, hey, a painful groan came out. Klein, who had barely regained his ability to think, stretched out his right hand and touched one of them.
Suddenly, the figures turned into moths fluttering into the flames, and one after another they threw themselves at him.
Klein’s vision suddenly blurred, and his head seemed to have been split in half. One half was observing calmly, and the other half saw the “mirror.”
In the “mirror” is a strong young girl dressed as a worker. She is walking in the dusty factory, her head throbbing again and again.
Her vision blurred and her body grew thinner.
She fancied she heard someone calling her Charlotte, saying she was suffering from general hysteria.
Hysteria She looked in the mirror and saw a faint blue line on her gums.
When the “camera” turned, Klein seemed to see it again, transformed into a girl named Mary.
She also walked in the lead factory, young and lively.
Suddenly, half of her cheek began to twitch continuously, followed by her arm and leg on the same side.
“You have epilepsy.” She heard someone say as her whole body convulsed.
She fell with increasingly violent convulsions, until she lost consciousness.
Another girl, she was unhappy, wandering around the streets like a fool, and even had a language barrier.
Her headaches were severe, her gums had blue lines, and she had occasional twitches.
She met a doctor who said:
“Rafferty, you are affected by lead.”
The doctor looked at her with pity, watched her twitch again, several times in a row, and watched her eyes lose all light.
A picture appeared in Klein’s mind. He was half immersed in it and half observing calmly.
Suddenly, he completely understood what these girls were going through:
They were female workers who had been exposed to lead white and dust for a long time. They died of lead poisoning.
Sir De Vere happened to have a lead-making factory and two ceramic factories under his name, all of which employed relatively low-cost female workers.
Klein “watched” all this in silence, feeling that only one thing remained unclear:
Such “death resentment” is so insignificant that even if it accumulates in quantity, it is unlikely to have any impact on reality and Deville.
Unless, unless there is a stronger and more persistent resentment that turns them into a whole.
At this moment, he “saw” another girl.
The girl was no more than eighteen years old and was glazing porcelain in a factory.
“Hai Liye, how are you doing recently? Do you have any headaches? If it’s serious, remember to tel