
mean that “only” Klein resisted the urge to manipulate Anderson’s “spiritual thread”.

Ignoring the strongest hunter with a provocative aura, he entered the cabin and prepared to return to his room.
As he approached the captain’s cabin, a creaking sound came and the door opened in front of him.
“Admiral of the Stars” Cattleya did not wear the heavy glasses, and looked at Gehrman Sparrow with a slightly flowing deep purple in her eyes:
“Congratulations on your promotion.
“Before, in the dream before, did I say something?”
“You know it very well.” Klein responded expressionlessly.
Cattleya was silent for two seconds and said:
/“You asked about my relationship with the Queen of Mystery”
While speaking, she couldn’t help but look around.
This was through my rather abrupt question, and I guessed that the “Queen of Mystery” might have already boarded the “Future”. You really need to be careful when talking to smart people. Klein nodded, passed the other person, and walked to his room. The corridor was quiet.
It wasn’t until he opened the door and stepped in that Cattleya’s voice came from the captain’s cabin and echoed throughout the ship:
/In the room, Klein waited for a few minutes before reentering the bathroom, arranging the ritual again, and threw the “squirming hunger” that became increasingly manic due to lack of food above the gray fog.
After doing this, he was not in a hurry to leave. He waved his hand and made the twisted iron-black “fire” gloves on the ground fly up and land in front of him.
After studying for a moment, Klein put the “tinder” into the iron cigarette box and threw it into the garbage pile.
Although this expensive glove has been discarded, Klein always believes that waste can also be used.
Immediately afterwards, he slowly removed the “squirming hunger” that had become quiet, and also put it into the garbage pile.
After Hu Klein calmed down for two seconds, he left the palace that looked like a giant’s residence and walked into the depths of this mysterious space above the gray mist.
During his last exploration, he discovered a bright “stairway” leading to heaven. He suspected that the other party’s level was related to his own sequence, so he made a confirmation as soon as he was promoted.
After walking for a while, Klein finally saw the sacred staircase made of pure light. Compared with before, it had one more level out of thin air, with a total of five steps.
Sure enough, Klein sighed without any surprise.
Then he climbed the stairs meant for giants and reached the top.
At this time, he was not far away from the gray mist floating in the air. It seemed that he could climb up with another step.
Klein subconsciously looked up there and vaguely saw something.
That was an almost completely transparent thing reflected in Klein’s eyes.
It was like the shell of something, sometimes retracting a little and disappearing from Klein’s field of vision, and sometimes sticking out like being blown by the invisible wind, showing some outline.
Using it as an anchor point and