

“Thank you for me for the being behind you.”
She still has a lot of respect for “The Fool”. Well, the few questions I answered before should have solved a lot of her doubts. Klein, wearing the “mask” of Gehrman Sparrow, responded politely:
Bernadette’s eyes did not move, she still looked at him and said:
“What happened to you this time?”
Klein paused for a second and spoke the words he had already prepared:
“I would like to ask your help to put him in a state where he has been corroded by the core power of the seal behind Chanis Gate of the Church of the Night for a long time.”
As he spoke, Klein let “Resentful Spirit” Senior appear beside him.
Bernadette looked deeply at the “Blood Admiral” who was standing upright. She did not ask Sherlock Moriarty or Gehrman Sparrow why they knew they had a solution, and said calmly:
“The seal cores of different churches of the Church of the Night are different, and their states after being eroded are also different.
“Is it the Night Path, the Death Path, or something else?
“Is it a parish church or a general city center church?”
She directly eliminated the option of the Church of Tranquility, the headquarters of the Church of the Night, because even the King of Angels did not dare to have an idea there.
Klein thought about it and said:
“Diocesan Cathedral, Night Path.”
“Queen of Mystery” Bernadette nodded gently and said:
“Then I can let him be corroded accordingly, but in this way, your marionette will be basically destroyed. You can still use it normally at first. As time goes by and the erosion deepens, he will gradually fall into sleep. Never wake up again.”
“Can we extend the time for complete erosion as much as possible?” Klein asked, holding back his heartache.
“Blood Admiral” Senior, this marionette, is the most valuable among all his properties.
Bernadette said calmly:
“Two months at most.”
Klein struggled internally for two seconds and replied expressionlessly:
/He immediately pressed his hand on his chest and saluted:
“Thank you for your help.”
“Queen of Mysteries” Bernadette said no more. She looked away, stretched out her right hand, and sketched out words in mid-air that were different from Giant, Dragon, Elf, and Ancient Hermes.
Those words had the brilliance of stars, intertwined into strange symbols, and seemed to open a secret door to the depths of the spiritual world.
The “secret door” opened, a gust of wind blew out, and his upper body turned into a man wrapped in white cloth.
“Sleeping horn.” Bernadette said in a soft but majestic voice.
The man with upper body and lower body responded respectfully and took out a human skull from a piece of white cloth.
The eye sockets of this skull are deep and dark, and it is difficult to see the bottom. The rest of the skull has holes of different shapes one after another, with cracks nearby, and is as white as jade.
Bernadette took the “Sleeping Horn”, glanced at Gehrman Sparrow and said:
“You step back at least 50 meters.”
Klein didn’t ask why, leaving “Resentful