
sition. He first relieved the impact on his legs. He has now suffered heavy injuries and lost the ability to fight. , and even lost his life.

With a popping sound, two places on Klein’s sleeves ignited. His right palm finally had room to move. He reached into his pocket and grabbed the adventurer’s harmonica.
/He fell to the ground, rolled over, raised his right hand, let his body bounce up, and snapped his fingers with his left palm wearing a human leather glove.
This time, his target was the paper people stuck on his face, making him unable to breathe.
The paper man burst into flames, and the red flames almost burned Klein’s hair.
At this time, a scene suddenly flashed through his mind:
An ice crystal formed, and a thin arrow dyed with dark green rushed towards his head at an extremely fast speed.
Because of its high speed and its transparency, this thin arrow cannot be found normally.
But even if Klein had a premonition of danger, it was already a little late, because he was still restrained by clothes and affected his movements, and he had no time to completely avoid it.
As soon as the thought flashed, his waist barely bent, his upper body fell backward, and moved a lot to the right.
The cold, small ice arrow hit his left chest, causing the brown jacket and all-white crew-neck shirt in that area to instantly shatter and fly into the air.
However, this deadly ice arrow failed to move forward because what stood in front of it was a book with a dark brown cover.
This book looks ordinary, with the inner pages bound by common yellow-brown parchment, but it is not broken like the two outer layers of clothing, and there is not even a chip.
Grossell’s Travels
This is an item that was hit head-on by the “Lightning Storm” of the “Poseidon Scepter” plus a little power from the mysterious space without any damage.
Klein, who was frightened by the “I saw you” telegram last night, undoubtedly added new protective measures and prepared all the methods he could think of.
In addition to hiding the travel notes in the fatal part of his body, he also placed an iron cigarette box in his other pocket, which contained a contaminated “tinder” glove. If the situation went wrong, he would lift the spiritual wall and throw away this item , to see if it can attract the attention of the “True Creator” and let Him send his strong men over to make the situation even more chaotic.
He knows that evil gods such as the “True Creator” also hate the “Mother Tree of Desire”
/After blocking the ice arrow, Klein fell down, rolled to the side, put the adventurer’s harmonica to his mouth, and blew hard.
At this time, his face was a little blackened by the smoke from the burning paper man, but he was not injured because of the assistance of “manipulating flames”.
Then, he felt that the clothes that bound his left arm, waist, abdomen, thighs, neck, and feet suddenly returned to normal, allowing him to regain his freedom.
While playing the harmonica, he quickly turned on his spiritual vision and saw the messenger la