
on” to a sea snake, and used “it” to refer to him.

The church does nothing, just suppresses it, and waits for a few days to see the fall of Kavituva. Of course, people in the Church of Storms may not have this patience, especially I heard that Yan Cotman’s job is to “represent The senior deacon of “The Punisher”, but the archipelago is isolated overseas. In order to unify the power, he worked part-time as a cardinal. His style of conduct may be closer to the hiding place of “Punisher” Kavituwa. The ruins are almost integrated into the spiritual world. If you want Finding it is not that simple, otherwise it would not be able to survive. Thinking of this today, Klein suddenly had an inspiration.
It is very difficult to find the ruins where Kavitua is hiding in the real world. Even if the other party has died, it will not be discovered in a year and a half unless more accurate information is obtained.
/But if we start from the spiritual world
The spirit world is even more difficult to locate, but it is not completely impossible. Will Asceptin, the “Mercury Snake”, used his folded paper crane to demonstrate exactly how to do it. I still have no idea, but it doesn’t matter. I can do it. Ask Mr. Azik, the realm of death controls part of the power of the spiritual world. The underworld, or hell, is the ancestor of the phoenix, Gray Carrie. This ancient god of death opened up the spiritual world. Klein had a flash of thought and took out the ancient and exquisite copper. Whistle, bring it to your mouth and blow.
He believed that even if he returned to the bedroom or entered the bathroom, the courier’s huge body would be discovered by Daniz, who was not low on inspiration, so he did not avoid him.
Daniz was imagining the treasure of “Poseidon” Kavituwa, when he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.
Feeling something in his heart, he quickly turned on his spiritual vision and looked to the side and behind. He saw white bones spurting out from the floor and flying upwards, forming a huge skeleton with an illusory head penetrating the ceiling.
The skeleton lowered its head slightly, and the two black flames could be vaguely seen even through the ceiling.
The pressure brought by its huge body made Daniz jump sideways, half-bowed his body, and gathered red flames in the palm of his right hand.
What kind of monster was this? Danitz looked at Gehrman Sparrow in astonishment. He saw him holding a copper whistle in his hand, raising his head and looking at the skeleton monster silently.
Klein looked up at the huge messenger, and the huge messenger looked down at him. The two sides seemed to be frozen there.
Hiss, I’m in such a hurry. I summoned the messenger before I even wrote the letter. Should I let him wait there, or should I go back and come back later? I’m Gehrman Sparrow now, yes, Gehrman. Sparrow Klein said nothing, and looked away indifferently. He rummaged for paper and pen slowly and quickly, and began to write a letter.
He roughly described what happened to “Sea King” Kavituva, but hid the details that he was alm