
st by checking him once?”

“If that were the case, the former exploration team leader wouldn’t have been locked up in a dungeon for forty-two years.
“Based on my experience, the chief must have secretly sent someone to monitor you, and you have undoubtedly exposed your special characteristics.
“Don’t doubt this. If even the chief is not careful, your Silver City will not be able to survive to this day in such a harsh environment.”
This “Sun” Derrick’s eyes gradually widened, and he felt more and more that Mr. “The Hanged Man” was really knowledgeable and what he said made sense.
Me, I was discovered to be abnormal by the “Chief”, so what should I do if he had such an attitude when he heard my report? Derrick suddenly became nervous and frightened.
Seeing his worries, “The Hanged Man” Alger shouted:
“But you don’t need to worry too much for the time being. I thought about it carefully just now. Even if your chief of Silver City discovers your abnormality, he will only suspect that you are possessed by Amon and be contaminated by him. He will not think that Tarot can If you still have time, you can still slowly think of ways to solve this problem.”
Derrick the Sun calmed down a little and said honestly:
“I was indeed possessed by Amon at that time.”
“What?” “The Hanged Man” Alger blurted out.
He almost left his seat and got into a fighting stance, just in case something happened.
“Justice” Audrey and “Magician” Forsi also suddenly became tense, only the gloomy “World” only showed surprise.
/Derrick was startled by Mr. “The Hanged Man”‘s reaction and quickly added:
“Mr. Fool discovered this, in my prayers.”
As he spoke, he embodied the image conveyed by Mr. Fool at that time: Amon, wearing a black pointed hat and monocle crystal glasses, was illusoryly wrapped around his spirit body, like the ghost of a python.
This made the two ladies “Justice” and “Magician” tremble from the bottom of their hearts, and “The Hanged Man” quickly asked:
“and after”
“Later, Mr. Fool taught me a ritual. Through that ritual, he sent his angels to purify Amon’s clone.” “The Sun” Derrick replied without increasing or decreasing.
“Angel” and “The Hanged Man” looked at the top of the long bronze table in astonishment.
He immediately realized that his action was too abrupt and not respectful enough, so he quickly lowered his head.
“Angel” “Justice” Audrey was a little confused for a moment.
After a brief daze, Audrey quickly figured out what “The Sun” was talking about:
He said that Mr. “Fool” sent his angel to purify Amon’s clone
Mr. Fool sent an angel
Mr. “Fool” really has angels as his attendants
Every angel has at least the strength of Sequence 2
Even though this was a given and something I had expected for a long time, it was still exciting because it was finally confirmed
Only gods can drive angels
Audrey’s eyes flashed with excitement, and she couldn’t help but think about what Mr. Fool’s angel looked like.
I don’t know when, I was lucky enough to catch her looking at the top of the long bronze table wi