
m and muttered to himself in confusion.

Another team member boldly guessed:
“The city’s original residents”
It’s possible that when they die, they turn into pure flesh and hair. Derrick agreed in his heart.
After a brief discussion, the exploration team was divided into several groups and cleaned up the hall outside the gray stone door.
After doing all this, they regrouped and slowly passed through the gate, always ready to fight.
Behind the gate is an altar-like place. The area around it that is hard to reach is deep and dark, and it is unknown what is hidden there.
Above the altar, there is also a dark cross and the hanging “Fallen Creator”.
Derrick, who was holding an animal skin lantern, was the closest and glanced instinctively.
His eyes suddenly froze because he discovered that the statue of the “Fallen Creator” here was different from the outside world.
its eyes are open
The blood-colored whites and black eyes looked straight at the intruder in front of him as if they were alive.
Click, click, click, Derrick heard the sound of teeth clashing.
/He originally thought it came from some team member, but he soon realized that it was him who was trembling.
Although he didn’t know enough about the dangers of evil gods, his teeth were trembling instinctively at this moment.
Da da da.
His teammates had a similar reaction.
At this moment, a bit of powder floated up, and “The Demon Hunter” Colin clenched his fist.
The sound of thunder echoed, and Derrick and the others suddenly woke up and got rid of their previous nightmare state.
Before they had time to look around, there was a sudden cry from behind the altar.
“Woo, woo, woo”
“Woo, woo, woo”
In the heart-wrenching silence, “Demon Hunter” Colin calmly ordered:
“Derrick, Joshua, please go around and take a look.”
Derrick, who was feeling a little cold, was holding the animal skin lantern and the “Hurricane Axe” in his hand, and together with Joshua, slowly walked around to the back of the altar.
As the darkness was gradually dispersed by light, they saw a dark shadow curled up behind the altar.
Two steps further, the black shadow took on its original appearance.
He was a child of seven or eight years old, with smooth yellow hair.
/He closed his eyes, seeming a little uncomfortable with the light, and shouted excitedly:
“Help me, help me”
Derrick’s pupils shrank, thinking of the cry for help he heard in the pure darkness before, and he subconsciously raised the “Hurricane Axe”.
At this time, “Demon Hunter” Colin, who had arrived next to them, took a step forward and asked solemnly:
“Who are you”
The child stopped asking for help and recalled:
“My name is Jack”
After dinner, Klein put on his coat and hat, ready to go out.
He is going to find Miss Sharon to solve the problem of a certain baron digging a tunnel, and also to ask for clues about the mermaid, trying to complete this matter before Detective Sherlock Moriarty goes south for “vacation”.
Outside the “Brave Man” bar, a taxi drove past briskly.
In the carriage, Klein, who wa