
o with them?

If there weren’t too many small masters who committed suicide and caused too many bad things, these professions wouldn’t be reduced to heresy.
The split of the Holy See has brought these professions back into the sunshine, but it does not mean that governments around the world have no fear of them.
The main reason why they have not been suppressed is because they have declined too much and can no longer threaten the rule of various governments.
Especially when confronting the Holy See, these people are still the best vanguard. They don’t even need the kingdom to organize themselves, and they will take the initiative to cause trouble for the Holy See.
Occasionally, if you encounter some special troubles, you can let this group of people solve them, such as: the cursed place in front of Hudson.
“Wizard Niemeyer, there is no rush to enter the ruins. Let’s take a look at this cursed land first!
Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for such a large area of ​​land to be cursed together. ”
Robert on the side grabbed Niemeyer who was about to go into the lake and said.
Frankly speaking, he is very powerless against the emotional intelligence of these old friends.
/They were invited to come over to check out the problems in the Cursed Land, and the reward had already been collected in advance. How could they just go and study the mysterious ruins without doing anything serious?
Mr. Hudson is not someone who is easy to bully. If he doesn’t take care of the matter first, this generous reward will be very hot.
“Don’t worry, Robert. Based on my many years of experience, the curse on this land is definitely related to this lake.
I also checked the information before coming here. Rumors of the Cursed Land have been circulating in the Orc Empire for countless years. There is no evidence of when it first started.
I happened to come across an ancient mysterious ruins. If there is no relationship between the two, I don’t believe it.
What’s more, how can an ordinary curse last for countless years!
Without a steady supply of power, no matter how vicious the curse, it would not be able to last for such a long time.
Even if the gods take action in person, once the power is cut off, it will be completely wiped out after thousands of years! ”
Wizard Niemeyer said confidently.
“Everyone, I’ll leave this to you. If you need anything or find anything, just send someone to notify me.
When necessary, the garrison can also provide support to you. ”
After saying that, Hudson said goodbye to everyone and left.
As a funder, he doesn’t care how these people work, as long as they can produce results.
/Even if the trouble of the curse cannot be solved, as long as the problem of the ruins can be understood, it will be worth the price.
At worst, you can use the mouths of these people to hype up the news of the 10,000-year catastrophe and attract the attention of all parties.
Maybe with Hudson leaving, everyone has one less thing to worry about. Wizard Niemeyer took out a small bead, turned to everyone and sa