
c content of the speech is too vulgar and violent, which is not conducive to harmony, so it is inconvenient to disclose it. Anyway, after every speech, everyone seems to be “chicken-blooded”.

Looking at the neatly arranged ranks of officers, Hudson gave a passionate speech: “The month-long assault training has now come to an end.
Except for a few backward elements, everyone has completed the basic training well, but this is just the beginning.
Next, you will go deep into your respective family private armies and teach them what you have learned in this month intact.
You are all watching how the troops are trained. If you can’t learn it, it will only prove that you are too stupid and destined to not be a general.
No more nonsense, the next month will be the time to test your learning results.
That group of serfs also received certain training, but they were also trained by serfs. You are nobles, no matter how rubbish you are, you are better than a group of serfs, right?
You can figure it out next, and we’ll test the results in a month. The quality of the soldiers you train is the same as yourselves.
There are less than two months until the autumn harvest. After inspecting the results, you still have to take your soldiers back to complete the autumn harvest.
You will have to implement the subsequent military training yourself.
Don’t waste this crucial month. If you find problems now, you can still ask for help and learn. It will not be easy to learn later.
/Remember one sentence: If you want to make achievements on the battlefield, you have to sweat more!
In Beida City, with the arrival of the Rainbow Moon, even the tense atmosphere in the air was diluted a bit.
The originally deserted opera house became bustling with people again. Money, beauty and power are always the objects of pursuit by the world.
In the blink of an eye, more than half a month later, thanks to the Opera House’s deliberate publicity, the news of Rainbow Moon’s arrival had already spread throughout the southeastern province. Almost all the interested nobles appeared in Beida City.
As usual, Isabel completed the formulaic performance amidst the madness of the fans. Isabel did not feel the slightest sense of accomplishment, but instead felt a sense of disgust.
At this moment, her desire for strength emerged again. Reason tells her that only by becoming a strong person can she be qualified to leave here.
“Didn’t the target appear?”
A mysterious voice sounded, pulling Isabel back from her thoughts. He glanced at the shadow man who suddenly appeared and said angrily:
“No! I don’t know if there’s something wrong with that guy. He’s been training in the territory all the time and doesn’t understand the slightest bit of style.
/“Don’t worry, I already observed it before coming here, and no one is watching.
Everyone in the diva group knows your habits, Isabel, and no one will come here to ask for trouble at this time.
Even if someone does come, I can exit quietly. Unless someone from the top comes, they won’t be able to keep me.
Now yo