
ankle were bloody and squirming crazily, and granules sprouted one after another, with disgusting shapes. Granulation

Densely dense bumps suddenly appeared on Lanervus’ skin. They were glowing with iron color and seemed to be connected into a set of full-body armor.
When a tarot card comes, it will be bounced away by the tiny knots.
Lanerwus, whose eyes were stained with blood red, looked at the clown opposite who stopped and put away the cards, and said with a half smile and half sarcasm:
“No matter what, after being tortured by the gods once, there is always something gained.”
Before he finished speaking, he kicked off his left foot, jumped over the flowing dirty river water, and threw himself at the enemy on the opposite side.
/Klein, who was wearing a “Joker” mask, took a step sideways as if he had expected it. He then took his left hand out of his pocket, clenched it tightly into a fist, and hit Lanervus’ temple like a cannonball.
Lanerwus waved his elbow sideways, raised his forearm, and accurately hit his opponent’s fist back.
The violent power came like a torrent, and Klein was suddenly carried away, staggering in his steps.
bang bang bang
One crackling explosion after another exploded in Klein’s ears. Each punch was heavier than the last, and the fists faster than the last were constantly reflected in his eyes.
He seemed to have forgotten to maintain his balance. Following the staggering steps, he suddenly fell sideways, and then used the support of his left elbow to change direction and roll.
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
Lanervus punched and kicked him fast and fiercely. Klein was almost hit several times, but he was always able to luckily dodge by relying on his exaggerated balance ability and unnatural movements. Sometimes he was on the wall, sometimes on the ground, and he seemed to be on the right track. Perform acrobatics.
He acted very calmly, not impatient at all, as if he had made up his mind to delay the battle as long as possible, waiting for the Nighthawks and military personnel to catch up.
But once Lanerwus showed signs of fleeing, he would insist on it and not give him a chance.
Lanerwus punched Klein and forced Klein to use the rebound of the wall to return to the trapeze. He turned around without hesitation and escaped to another passage.
Klein touched the ground with his toes, and his body was about to fly out like a cannonball, directly hitting Lanervus’s vest.
At this moment, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind:
“As if Lanerwus had no bones, he forcibly turned his upper body around and punched him.”
This is the intuitive hunch of the “Joker”
Without hesitation or hesitation, Klein proactively reduced the subsequent force.
With a snap, he still jumped out, but it was much weaker than expected.
Amidst the grinding sound that made people feel sour, Lanerwusi’s legs did not move, and his upper body suddenl