
uld not reach here. My meeting with Gan Kai was absolutely confidential and safe, unless Gan Kai deliberately wanted to expose a flaw.

uld not reach here. My meeting with Gan Kai was absolutely confidential and safe, unless Gan Kai deliberately wanted to expose a flaw.
When I thought of this, a smile appeared on my lips, because I didn’t mind Gan Kai deliberately exposing his flaws, because I didn’t completely believe him from the beginning, so I could test him with him this time.
About an hour after Gan Kai left, Lu Zhou came. Lu Zhou’s arrival was arranged by me, and our meeting was private.
After he arrived, he asked him: “How is Ma Liyang’s daughter doing?”
Lu Zhou said: “There is indeed a person who has been in contact with Ma Liyang’s daughter, and just as you expected, he has been giving the girl medicine. , it can be said that her current condition is indeed caused by drugs.”
I asked: “Is she someone under psychiatric monitoring?”
Lu Zhou shook his head. His shaking of his head was a bit unexpected, thinking that I thought the clues were here. It should have been cut off. He probably wouldn’t know. I asked him: “Have you found this person?”
/Lu Zhou shook his head again. I was surprised by his strange answer and expression, so I asked; ” So what’s going on?”
He said: “I found this note under the girl’s pillow. It seems to be written by the girl herself. Take a look.” As he
said that, he handed over a note. The font did look like the girl’s own handwriting. , I saw it said – he is not from the hospital. I asked Lu Zhou: “Have you compared it with the girl’s notes? Is it imitation?”
Lu Zhou said: “Although the girl was a little stupid because of the drugs, she remembered that she wrote the note. She said it was I don’t think what she wrote is fake.”
I said, “Ma Liyang’s daughter is a very smart person. Sometimes I even doubt that her IQ is not consistent with her age, so this note must be really written by her. , then she should have written it and put it there when she was still awake, because she knew that we would notice the abnormality, so she knew that we would see it.”
Lu Zhou said: “I think so too.”
At this point, Lu Zhou and I said: “You checked it At that time, you didn’t encounter any resistance, right?”
Lu Zhou shook his head and said, “It went smoothly and nothing unusual was found.”
I said, “That’s good. Now there’s something I need you to check out. I’m worried about others.”
Lu Zhou asked, “What’s the matter?”
I said, “Go check it out and cooperate with the office.” Hao Shengyuan, the morgue doctor, I think there is something wrong with him.”
Lu Zhou noticed something strange and asked, “What happened?”
I said, “I suspect he was playing tricks on the corpse, I hope I’m overly worried.”
After hearing this, Lu Zhou said: “Don’t worry, I will find out.”
After that, I said to him: “There is one more thing. I don’t know if I can trust you.”
Lu Zhou asked: “Is there anything else? ”
I said: “I’m worried about Duan Qing. She seems to be hiding something from me, but I don’t know what it is. Please help me and keep an eye on him. You knew that when Captain Fan was here, once Captain Fan I hav