
deposit business, nor to find loan customers, but to let everyone see the benefits of the bank.

Anyway, once the money is collected, it can be piled into the warehouse, and there is no need to pay interest on the funds. The biggest expense is nothing more than personnel salaries, and Hudson is not worried about cost pressure at all.
Soon it was time for the skills competition. As the largest sponsor and honorary principal of the event, Hudson attended the event as a matter of course.
As projects grew, so did sponsors. In addition to Hudson, the royal family, some big nobles, and chambers of commerce also came to join in the fun.
The value of the prizes provided is definitely not comparable to that of Hudson, but it is better in that there are many categories and are applicable.
The scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the attention of the outside world is also increasing. Perhaps out of boredom, all the princes and ministers, including King Caesar IV, came to join in the fun.
Hudson, who was not prepared to continue to be in the limelight, declined the invitation to give a speech at the opening ceremony and chose to sit in the VIP seats with a group of dignitaries from the royal capital.
/Looking at the dense crowd of melon-eating people at the scene, Hudson was very suspicious that the nobles in the royal capital were now running over to join in the fun.
He just wanted to watch the fun, but he actually took care of his family. Before the game started, the scene became lively.
The students who maintained order couldn’t resist it. In the end, Caesar IV called in the palace guards to maintain order.
“Robert, how many tickets did you sell? Why are there so many people watching?”
Hudson asked jokingly.
Comparing the flow of people on site with the seats prepared in advance, we can see that the plan is out of touch with reality, and it is obvious that there is a lack of relevant experience in hosting events.
It is estimated that the senior management of the college did not expect that the nobles of the royal capital would be so enthusiastic, and all of them brought their families to watch the fun.
Not only was it crowded outside, even the VIP seats were a bit crowded. Many dignitaries brought their families, so the organizers could only temporarily add chairs.
“Tickets, what tickets?
Marshal Hudson, you cannot slander my innocence! ”
Robert explained hurriedly.
Conscience, he only invited a few sponsors to this event, and the rest of the guests came uninvited.
In order to limit the flow of people and prevent “cult members” from sneaking in and causing trouble, he ordered the college security personnel to strictly check identities and prohibit non-nobles from entering.
It’s a pity that he still underestimated the enthusiasm of the people who eat melon. Everyone wanted to come and take a look at such an important event. The nobles were not alone, and the number of people ended up exceeding expectations.
The chaos at the scene was embarrassing enough. It would be even more embarrassing if someone mis