
hemoth throne, he will still be ignored.

Maybe if the front foot ascends to the throne, a coup will occur on the back foot.
The concept of respecting the strong has long penetrated into every corner of the Orc Empire. Violence is written in their bones, and they cannot accept a useless emperor.
“Everyone, go down, I want to rest!”
This is the habit of Crown Prince Alex. No matter how much fun he has, he will not leave a group of concubines overnight when sleeping.
After watching everyone leave, Crown Prince Alex, who was originally full of lust, seemed to have suddenly changed, and his whole person became gloomy.
After quickly putting on the clothes, a secret door suddenly opened, and a vague shadow appeared in the lustful hall.
Before Shadow could finish speaking, Alex interrupted with a wave of his hand:
/“Okay, Silver Charm.
There is no need to say this over and over again if it makes no sense.
I know what my body is like.
This romantic drama has been going on for decades, how could it stop at the last moment? What’s more, I can’t stop now just because I want to.
The old guy doesn’t have a few more years to live. If he wants to maintain the current filial piety of father and son, this scene must continue.
There are no secrets hidden in this mansion, and it is filled with spies from all forces. In order to monitor my every move, they sent over elites who spent a lot of money to train me.
Since hospitality is hard to refuse, why should I reject their kindness?
How are your preparations going?
I guess the old guy’s patience is about to run out. The pitiful love between father and son, after so many years of consumption, who knows how much is left? ”
As he spoke, Alex couldn’t help but burst into tears. For so many years, he seemed to be singing, dancing, and having fun every day, but in fact, he couldn’t express the pain in his heart.
If possible, he would rather not know the secret and spend his life in confusion like the previous brothers.
Unfortunately, there was no other way. He accidentally broke in and found that his deceased brother’s coffin was empty, which aroused his curiosity.
After this investigation, he discovered the shocking secret, which directly changed his life.
The original hard-working Alex no longer exists, replaced by the lustful and indulgent Alex.
I thought I could indulge myself, live a mediocre life despite being stigmatized by the outside world.
Unexpectedly, the unwillingness deep in his heart still failed to make him lie down.
/In order to gain a chance of survival and to ask for an explanation from the person he was closest to in the past, Alex decided to resist the established fate.
After years of planning, it was finally time to close the net, but Alex was still suffering in his heart.
There is both the fear of impending disaster and the family affection that is difficult to let go. Except for that unspeakable thing, Emperor Behemoth was really impeccable towards their brothers.
The rolling waters of the Lancang River are lapping at both sides of the river, as