
that is comparable to that of Central Continent.

/Although everyone is regretful, they are also excited inside!
This was the first time since Central Continent dominated Blue Star in all areas that a certain continent could push them to such an extent.
This blue music club.
Qinzhou showed the other six continents the possibility of defeating Central Continent!
When Blue Star merges, other continents may also be able to compete head-on with the invincible Central Continent in a certain field!
Because merger means integration.
No matter how the foundations of Central Continent in various fields overwhelm other continents, when everyone’s cultures are integrated and unified, many things will be able to catch up or even overtake in corners.
Compared to the coaching staff.
The people of Qinzhou were satisfied with the results of the gold medal list, even ecstatic!
Because although Qinzhou is the hometown of music, the people of Qin actually have no confidence in Zhongzhou.
To put it harshly, it means that I have been kneeling for a long time.
So when the Qin people discovered that their own continent was not much worse than Central Continent, they immediately felt infinite surprise in their hearts!
“Haha, I’m so happy!”
“It turns out that we have become so powerful without knowing it. Other continents still cannot threaten Central Continent, but we in Qinzhou already have the capital to fight with Central Continent!”
“The difference is not big!”
/“If we can win a few more gold medals tomorrow, the gold medal gap will be further narrowed!”
“Will the Blue Music Club be held again in the future?”
“Don’t forget that many stars in Central Continent are bi-continental. They immigrated to Central Continent from various continents just because of some policies, so they have been working for Central Continent these years. After the great merger, many policies in each continent will be unified, and it will be difficult for Central Continent to change. It attracts talents from other continents.”
Central Continent has good benefits and good treatment, so it has been able to attract talents from all continents over the years. When they join the wave of great mergers, all aspects of Blue Star’s continents will become more unified. By then, literature and art will inevitably flourish in all continents, and no continent will be able to do so. With one family becoming dominant due to external reasons, what will happen in the future has become confusing.
Qin Zhou was extremely excited.
But the people of Middle-earth were in a bad mood.
Not to mention far away.
Qinzhou’s Xianyu alone gave Zhongzhou a sense of difficulty that he couldn’t handle. This was something that was impossible to happen before.
It stands to reason:
Don’t all such evil geniuses come from Central Continent?
God knows how many Central-Continent people’s pride has been shattered by the appearance of Xianyu!
Some people from Zhongzhou have even become fans of Xianyu, and they are full of praise when they mention him!