
And this aura field” Gong Yeyu looked into the distance. He suddenly turned back and looked at everyone. His expression was more serious than ever before, but in this seriousness, there was also a sense of saying no. The excitement came out, as if a fighting maniac had discovered his opponent, or a pervert had met a beautiful woman. His eyes were full of such enthusiasm.

Gong Yeyu looked at everyone and said: “This voice has its own aura, so it can be imagined that this ghost is a ghost with real demon-level strength. In other words! When it advances”
“The devil-level ghosts deduced by the soul organizations of various countries are about to appear!”
This situation came so suddenly that it completely disrupted all the arrangements that everyone had planned before, causing everyone to fall into an extremely embarrassing situation.
“We have encountered the advancement of fantasy ghosts several times before. Different types of ghosts killed and devoured each other, and then produced stronger individuals. However, the advancement of ghosts we have encountered before all started from the demon level. There has never been an example of a true devil-level ghost advancing to a high-level devil-level ghost. This also indirectly shows that we may be in big trouble.”
After hearing the roar of an unknown true demon-level ghost far away, everyone sat together with heavy expressions. In fact, except Gong Yeyu, he had the idea of ????fighting the demon-level ghost. Except for this, the rest of the people’s ideas are much simpler than Fengdu’s fantasy!
Pei Jiao is basically a rookie, and his knowledge of the soul world and fantasy land is really limited, so at this moment he asked: “Although it is a devil-level ghost, can’t we bypass it? Even if we want to leave this fantasy The ground is not difficult.”
/Everyone looked at him, and everyone else suddenly laughed bitterly. Yang Xuguang said directly: “It’s not that simple. Do you know why Demon King level strength has always been an unknown realm deduced from legends? First of all, there is no any Escapers and high-level Escapers have reached this level of strength. Secondly, if a ghost that has not reached this level even among the known ghosts in Fantasy Land wants to advance, then it must devour a very large number of ghosts or free souls of the same level, but even if Even the small bosses and big bosses are not necessarily true devil-level ghosts. In other words, it is impossible for true devil-level ghosts to devour a large number of ghosts or free souls of the same level, so it is impossible to advance. But once it is true, If the demon-level ghosts have advanced, then in other words there must be a large number of real demon-level ghosts here!”
Pei Jiao trembled when he heard this, a large number of real demon-level ghosts? Not to mention a large number, as long as these fifteen people face more than three true demon-level ghosts, their mortality rate will be more than 80%! That’s not some cabbage, it’s a real demon-level ghost!
Gong Yeyu stood up and looked into the