
ngth as soon as possible!”

After that, Gong Yeyu gave Pei Jiao a detailed introduction to the specific conditions of fantasy lands around the world, as well as the tasks and life he will face as a high-level escape person in the future.
“Basically, we can live like normal people, burning the energy in our bodies so that living people can see us. We can also interact with living people. Even if you have a girl you like, you can still have sex with her, or even have a relationship with her. There is also pleasure, but it requires more energy in the body to be consumed.” When Gong Yeyu said this, he had a mean smile on his face, and there was no sign of the domineering heroism that I respected among thousands of heroes during the battle, but he Everything you do is based on your heart, so laughing and scolding is nothing.
/Gong Yeyu continued: “The soul organization will provide 10,000 standard energy for high-level escapees every month, so you can burn energy boldly and confidently. In fact, burning energy continuously can also exercise your obsession with yourself. The ability to grasp the energy in the body will also increase the speed of use when fighting with natural weapons, so you don’t need to save your soul tissue at all.”
“In addition, the soul organization will give your family an additional one million yuan in subsidies every month. These are additional subsidies outside of the mission. They are unique benefits for high-level escapees. They are one level higher than ordinary escapees. As for mission rewards They are equal to free souls, and when it comes to welfare, they also have obligations. When real demon-level ghosts appear, we are obliged to annihilate them, and if we find free souls that violate the rules and harm living people, then we They must also be arrested or directly executed, which is also one of the obligations.”
“Other than these, there is nothing else that requires your attention. You can think of yourself as a senior white-collar worker working for the Soul Organization. On weekdays, you can pick up girls, become stronger in fantasy, or travel. The whole world is fine, as long as you feel that you can face the attacks of ghosts and monsters and will not die in the battle, then you can do whatever you want.”
When he said this, Gong Yeyu suddenly looked around carefully, and then he whispered to Pei Jiao: “You are also a high-level escaper. Although the death time is indeed shorter, you should also feel it, right?”
/Pei Jiao was currently thinking about how he would face the soul organization in the future. When he suddenly heard Gong Yeyu’s mysterious words, he immediately became confused and asked in a low voice: “What do you feel? You can speak more clearly.” ah.”
Gong Yeyu still lowered his voice and said: “Feel the changes in this world. Only a very small number of those who have escaped can feel it, but all eight of us high-level escapees can feel it. A few years ago, usually It only takes a year or two for dozens of ghosts to materialize, but in recent years, hundreds of ghost