
say that the spiritual practice of the Sun Temple is the prototype of magic, and some even say that the fire exorcism of Zoroastrianism is magic. The originator of.

There are more theories about the latter, and the most mentioned are several: one is that it evolved from the natural magic of the elves, others say that human magic is the inheritance of ancient dragons, and another is that it is a lost civilization. The Legacy of Atlantis.
However, the prosperity of magic and the initial establishment of the magic system was on the island of Grete, which is known as the birthplace of magic. There is also a myth and legend about the birth of magic. Legend has it that God gave the Grit people the power of magic. The words that record the power given by God are the sacred texts.
However, the orthodox divine writings have not been handed down. The Grits combined the writings of the elves to create the original magic writings. Then, with the spread of the Gritting civilization, various other magic writings were derived.
“Can you tell me what these are?” Hull asked, he is a very modest person.
/“Your master will definitely know.” The archbishop said, not because he was being disrespectful, but because he didn’t recognize it. The pope gave him this list through Cardinal Angelo.
Hel secretly scolded these guys for being pretentious, but he was not worried because the Immortal King gave him a magic weapon. The purpose of this magical device is very simple, that is, to convey what he sees to the Immortal King. Of course, the reverse can also be done.
It is a lens that can be installed inside the eye and close to the eyeball.
As a ray of light flashed, the words on the list trembled, and words recognized by Hull were immediately revealed underneath. Along with the words came the voice of the Immortal King.
“Very good, it seems that you have contacted the Holy See.” The voice transmission from the immortal king’s mind can be heard, and he is quite satisfied with this.
“Yes, I will comply with your orders as much as possible, but the people in the Holy See are a little mysterious.” Hull said quickly.
“That cannot be said. There is some truth in using divine characters. Divine characters are very complicated and difficult to identify, but using divine characters to express the composition of magic is the most accurate.
“If you want to make further progress in magic, you should study various magic texts, especially those earlier than the Griet system.” The Immortal King explained.
“What’s earlier? Atlantis writing, the stone tablet writing in the Temple of the Sun, elven writing, or fire-shaped writing?” Hel asked.
“I am referring to the writings excavated from some ancient civilization sites, the writings left by ancient extinct civilizations, and divine writings are just one of them.” The Immortal King said.
“Isn’t the divine text the text left by the gods?” Hull felt a little strange.
“That’s just a legend. Grit Island still exists. I’ve seen the divine inscriptions on it. Those inscriptions are all engraved on many