
e for smuggling and could take him out to sea in critical moments.

Pretending to be wandering around, Hull explored the entire ship. There were only three places on the ship that were off-limits. One was the wheelhouse at the stern. He knew that the reason why entry was off-limits was because there was a magical power device inside. It is this thing that allows the entire ship to sail without wind or headwind.
The technology for manufacturing this magical power device originally came from gears, so Hull was not interested in it at all.
The other two off-limits areas are the captain’s cabin and the offices of Martin and Sasha. Hull was somewhat interested in the latter, but he would never take the risk to pry into the secrets inside.
The ship drove very fast, and the sailors on the ship had to measure the speed every hour. In Hull’s impression, the recorded speed was rarely less than seventeen knots. In one day and one night, it could sail almost more than four hundred nautical miles.
This speed is absolutely astonishing. The entire voyage from Mulant Island to the southern tip of the Black Continent is more than 9,000 kilometers long, and the ship took ten days.
/This expedition fleet was larger than originally expected. There were not two main fleets, but three, as well as 20,000 land troops and a large air cavalry regiment.
Using such a huge force to deal with a barbaric race that has always been considered uncivilized is somewhat unexpected. I am afraid that the purpose of doing so is to show the emerging land overlords Debreton’s superiority on the ocean.
It is almost more than 9,000 kilometers from the Wimbledon military port in Debreton to the southern tip of the Black Continent. However, that large fleet can reach an average speed of eight knots. The fleet commander should snicker. At such a speed, It would take nearly half a month for the Debreton people to reach the southern end of the Black Continent.
There was only less than thirty days of preparation time, which was not considered to be generous in any way. This time it proved that the Beru people had made a completely correct choice in bringing in Hel’s forces in the Black Continent.
Simo’s role as an agent was not for nothing. Half a year was enough for him to establish relationships with many local forces. In addition, Hull had originally instructed him to hire more tribal orcs from the south, so he was somewhat famous in the south.
Hull’s original idea was that the tribal orcs in the south would not have any conflicts of interest with him, and the tribal orcs were stronger than the mixed-blood orcs. He did not expect that they would be used for this purpose now.
When the mysterious fast battleship arrived at the southern end of the Black Continent and lowered its boat to allow the military observation group to dock, Simo had already been in this dense forest for nearly ten days.
/The guns and ammunition that Seamus brought made the tribal orcs who lacked weapons very fond of him.
These guns and ammunition were all urgently purchased by Sim