
ion of this group is. Less than.

After thinking for a long time, Hull couldn’t confirm which group of bandits they were. He sighed and said to Des next to him: “Let’s fight first. As long as there are a few corpses, we will know who is trying to plot against us.” ”
“Two thousand people, don’t worry, I can kill them all by myself.” Necromancer Des said. Since joining the Devil’s Mountains, he has never had a chance to take action. Even when he was fighting against the Inquisition in the Holy See, he did not bring it with him. He, who is murderous, has not killed anyone for a long time.
/“There is no need to show our strength. Those mercenaries can definitely solve the trouble.” Hull refused.
Although he was not satisfied, Des had no choice.
A fierce exchange of fire kicked off the battle. War on the Black Continent never pays attention to formations or tactics. What matters is morale and the quality of soldiers.
Obviously, the bandits have an absolute advantage in this regard.
Almost as soon as the battle began, a large number of the hyena guerrillas responsible for guarding were defeated.
Although the remaining hyenas in the team are all fearless of death, their marksmanship is not as good as that of the bandits opposite, which is the most deadly fact.
However, the guerrillas soon learned to be smart. The hyena men no longer rushed upwards, but found some hidden places to hide and fired at the opposite side from a distance.
Compared with the hyena guerrillas, the gazelle scouts are much better. They are all sharpshooters. Although it takes a long time to aim, they can always gain something as long as they pull the trigger.
What disappointed Hull the most were the camel men who were easy to control and obey orders. Now he finally knew why no one had ever incorporated the camel men into the army. These guys were so stupid. They looked impressive when they were training to shoot. It’s like this. Now that I’m on the battlefield, I immediately get into a panic.
Moreover, these guys are cowardly. As soon as a gunshot is fired, whether it is from the opposite side or from this side, the hunchback man will immediately fall to the ground. This would be fine if it were an ordinary hunchback with a rifle, but the same is true for those guys who operate rapid-fire cannons, wasting the most precious heavy firepower.
Hull couldn’t stand this ineffective fight for a quarter of an hour. He had to use antelope scouts to replace the few coolies who controlled heavy firepower.
The antelopes were not much more courageous than the coolies. They also fought for a while and then retreated behind the bunker and waited for a long time. After confirming that there was no danger, they started fighting for a while.
However, they could at least tell that the range of the six-barreled revolving rapid-fire cannon was far beyond that of the rifle, so after a while, the antelopes who controlled the rapid-fire cannon were no longer afraid. The bandits with their heads exposed were all beaten into a honeycomb.
At this time, the advanta