
in the body, and the power of heaven’s punishment to break evil thoughts can easily harm this trace of divinity!

As a result, within a short time, the clones of the Lord of Light that could not escape were being chased by Wei Xiaobei’s Sun Spear and fell into a state of near death.
“Not bad.”
Wei Xiaobei opened the space passage and carried the Lord of Light clone into the Aoki Paradise with satisfaction.
After throwing the Lord of Light’s clone and even the corpses of the two seraphim into the pile of tree roots that were waiting for him, Wei Xiaobei did not leave directly, but disappeared and came to the trunk of the World Tree.
World Tree is aware of Wei Xiaobei’s arrival.
A moment later, a few buds sprouted from the tree trunk, which was so huge that it looked like a huge wall from a personal point of view.
The buds grew extremely fast and grew into a huge branch in less than ten breaths. Three flowers of different colors bloomed and withered in the blink of an eye, yielding three fist-sized fruits.
One of the fruits is fiery red, constantly emitting extremely hot flames, the second is white, constantly emitting white light, and the third is green, constantly emitting green light full of vitality.
The reason why Wei Xiaobei didn’t leave immediately this time was because of these three fruits!
This is the fruit of the rules condensed by the World Tree after extracting the power of the World Tree’s matrix, the Sun God Apollo, and even the Lord of Light’s clones!
To put it bluntly, what these three fruits contain is not sweet pulp, but the power of rules related to plants, the sun, light, etc.
Standing in front of these three fruits, the heat of the flames alone could easily turn steel into molten steel. However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t feel anything about this. He reached out and picked off the three fruits, and then took the Abo Luo Ning’s fruit was the first to swallow it!
This fruit that condenses the power of rules is not so easy to swallow.
If it were other beings or even ordinary people, just holding this Fruit of the Sun would probably be burned to ashes.
After Wei Xiaobei swallowed it, he only felt a slight fever in his throat, but the actual situation was that the fruit turned into a fist-sized sun as soon as he entered it, releasing endless light and heat!
However, a moment later, the sun was swallowed by Wei Xiaobei and fell into the dantian.
After the originally sleepy Golden Crow in his dantian felt the arrival of the sun, he woke up in an instant and rushed towards the sun impatiently.
/After being absorbed, extracted and purified by the World Tree, the sun no longer contained any will of Apollo, so even if the Golden Crow swallowed it in one gulp, the sun would not react at all.
Wei Xiaobei’s mind had already sunk, observing the Golden Crow’s behavior of devouring the sun.
/Obviously, the Greek sun is different from the Chinese sun.
The sun of China was transformed from the Golden Crow, and this sun transformed by Apollo did not have any blood of the Golden Crow.
But this does