
i Xiaobei secretly shouted in his heart.

But Wei Xiaobei’s inner expectations finally came to nothing.
After swallowing the Amaterasu clone, the Quetzalcoatl burped, and then looked horrified at where Wei Xiaobei was hiding.
Undoubtedly, he was exposed.
Wei Xiaobei knew that there was no point in hiding any longer.
So the next moment, Wei Xiaobei walked out of the bush where he was hiding.
Many Alazisai people kneeling on the ground saw Wei Xiaobei’s appearance. They couldn’t help but be surprised, but no one dared to act rashly at this time.
You must know that the eyes of gods are staring at Wei Xiaobei in the sky, and those Alazisai people do not dare to stand in front of Quetzalcoatl.
“Sorry, I’m just passing through”
Wei Xiaobei was laughing, trying to ease the relationship with the other party.
After all, the giant snake eyes of Quetzalcoatl staring at him are a bit too penetrating.
But Quetzalcoatl did not speak at this time, but continued to stare at Wei Xiaobei, as if he was sizing up something.
Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but tense up all over. If the other party dared to attack him, Wei Xiaobei was ready to risk his life. At worst, both sides would suffer, and he didn’t have any escape route.
Phew, after the Quetzalcoatl stared at Wei Xiaobei for a while, he nodded, then opened his mouth and spit out a ball of golden light towards Wei Xiaobei.
Wei Xiaobei saw that the Quetzalcoatl seemed to have no hostility. When he saw the golden light flying towards him, he reached out and grabbed it in his hand. The next moment, Wei Xiaobei had a look of surprise on his face.
This golden light turned out to be of Golden Crow bloodline!
Quetzalcoatl’s behavior made Wei Xiaobei a little confused.
“A great being, are you interested in going down to have a chat?”
At this moment, an old voice came, but it was in Chinese language.
Is that Quetzalcoatl?
Wei Xiaobei looked closely and saw that it was the Quetzalcoatl that opened its mouth and spoke to him.
/The next moment, the translucent body of Quetzalcoatl slowly dissipated, and a bright light fell towards the ancestral temple, disappearing in an instant.
What’s happening here?
Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, and it seemed that the Quetzalcoatl didn’t have much hostility towards him.
Let’s go down and have a look.
Wei Xiaobei then walked towards the ancestral temple.
At this time, the Alazisai people scattered around the ancestral temple had just woken up from the previous battle between Quetzalcoatl and Fireball. For them, the previous scene was so shocking that they now seemed a little confused. , unable to think about the problem.
Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not encounter any obstruction from the Alazisai people on his way to the ancestral temple.
/It should be said that the ancestral temple of the Alazisai people is extremely magnificent. Its overall shape is like three flat-topped pyramids of different sizes, with various large and small statues erected around it.
Most of these statues are heroic figures in the history of the Alazisay people.