
t of the trees have dried up, and it is difficult to gather a rain cloud in the sky.

Even the locust tree forest could not escape this disaster. Most of the leaves fell off, and the locust tree spirits hid in the trunks and refused to come out. As for the corpses of ghosts and monsters that were piled up in the mountains, they were all turned into mummies when the breeze blew. After a while, many mummies turned into gravel.
/The most terrible thing is that the World Tree in the center of the earth also seems to be dying.
It can be said that the spiritual energy of the entire Qingmu Paradise has been drained by the people of Long Bo and is about to dry up.
Qing Niu’s next intention was to ask Wei Xiaobei to send as many corpses as possible to the Aoki Blessed Land.
In Qingniu’s words, it was preparation for the creation of the Pangu bloodline.
The foundation of the small world of the Aoki Blessed Land is too poor. Not to mention the current state of being drained of spiritual energy, even in its heyday, once the Pangu bloodline is established, the Aoki Blessed Land will probably fall apart.
This is no joke.
With Qingniu’s long lifespan, he has seen too many things.
It is said that many small blessed places found by immortals collapsed directly when they were transformed into real blessed places.
Therefore, the only way now is to replenish the foundation of Aoki Blessed Land.
Wei Xiaobei thought of a way to extract dirt or something from reality.
But as soon as this method was mentioned, Qing Niu refuted it.
In Qingniu’s words, there is no spiritual energy in the mortal world at all now. If these things from the mortal world are sent to the Aoki Blessed Land, it will actually drag down the Aoki Blessed Land.
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, and it was indeed true. In terms of ingredients, the ingredients in reality were far inferior to the ingredients produced in the gray world.
Finally, Wei Xiaobei took out the gray boundary stone condensed from Cuihu University and asked Qing Niu to look at it.
Qing Niu took it in his hand, nodded involuntarily, and looked at Wei Xiaobei with a somewhat surprised look: “Where did you get this Chaos Stone?”
Chaos Stone?
Wei Xiaobei thought, isn’t it? This gray boundary stone can create space, so it would be more appropriate to call it a chaos stone.
/“Master, this thing was formed from the collapse of an abandoned place.”
Speaking of this, Wei Xiaobei was a little curious. With the power of Qing Niu, it should be quite easy to destroy an entire place by condensing gray boundary stones. But why does Qing Niu rarely see this thing? .
Qing Niu nodded again, couldn’t help but sigh, and then said something that made Wei Xiaobei understand what was going on.
It turns out that this gray world is not so easy to be destroyed by beings like Qingniu.
To put it simply, only the first-rate beings of the Sanqing Dao Ancestors can destroy a place, turn it into chaos, and reopen a world.
Of course, this kind of thing is also very costly for a Sanqing first-class existenc