
and in Japan, he was accidentally discovered by a coast guard ship patrolling the strait.

Due to the strong wind and waves at that time, Wei Xiaobei was driving at high speed on the sea surface and could not avoid the waves that kept coming. After those waves hit Wei Xiaobei, they would rush higher.
/This is more conspicuous on the sea surface.
Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei rushed past the coast guard ship not far away, he was attacked by the other party.
A series of machine gun bullets were fired at Wei Xiaobei.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei knew that the coast guard ship probably thought he was a ghost. After all, what happened in Japan nearby had already spread throughout the world.
However, running happily on the sea and suddenly being attacked made Wei Xiaobei feel a little unhappy.
Not to mention that Wei Xiaobei continued to move forward, but when the coast guard ship was attacked by Wei Xiaobei, the people on the ship felt the ship’s hull shake slightly. They didn’t take it seriously at all and thought it was Rocking caused by waves.
But after more than ten minutes, the people on the boat were dumbfounded. A hole the size of a bowl was broken in the bottom of the boat! A lot of sea water has been poured in, making the deck of the ship less than twenty centimeters from the sea level!
The coast guard ship returned in a hurry and called for rescue.
However, the coast guard ship ultimately failed to return to the pier and sank to the bottom of the sea less than 500 meters away from the pier.
After this incident occurred, the coast guard ships of a certain peninsula country had to check the bottom of the ship more than ten times before setting sail to avoid the recurrence of this incident.
But when they salvaged the coast guard ship and inspected it, they were shocked to find that the hole in the bottom of the ship was actually made by human fists!
/This incident made them feel like they were evil.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t care at all about the confusion and fear he caused those guys.
After running on the sea for a long time, Wei Xiaobei was not far from Lusnia.
Many passing ships can already be seen at this location.
For this reason, Wei Xiaobei had to dive into the sea repeatedly to avoid being discovered and causing some minor trouble.
When Wei Xiaobei landed on the north coast of Weijia Island, Tu Qingqing was already waiting on the shore.
But what makes Wei Xiaobei a little regretful is that almost two years have passed, and Tu Qingqing’s belly looks only slightly bulging. Compared with human pregnant women at this time, when their children can stand, it is a world of difference.
“You’re back?”
Tu Qingqing’s tone and expression were still so cold when he spoke, but the smile in his eyes could not be concealed by this tone and expression.
“I’m back. I’ll spend this time with you.”
Wei Xiaobei was also a little excited. To be honest, it would be uncomfortable for any man to go out for several months, not to mention Tu Qingqing was still pregnant.
He carefully held Tu Qingqing’s arm and returne