
were open and some were closed. Vehicles were randomly abandoned on the roadside, and most of a bus crashed into a supermarket. among.

The breeze blows, and some small advertisements and plastic bags rise with the wind, floating in the sky above this seemingly uninhabited city.
/This is a perfect picture of the doomsday scene.
But when Wei Xiaobei walked into a street where direct sunlight was not available, he found some humans wandering around.
On the surface, these human beings appear to be very normal. Some white-collar workers even carry briefcases, students carry schoolbags, aunts carry vegetable baskets, and old men hold unbladed swords.
They walked back and forth on this street, looking decent, but where the sun was shining, they would take detours to avoid the sun as much as possible, or even turn back directly.
It’s like they are doing this in an infinite loop.
But as soon as Wei Xiaobei showed up, the situation immediately changed.
The eyes of these humans fell on Wei Xiaobei, and a strange smile appeared on their faces. They began to approach Wei Xiaobei, but the speed was not fast, and some of them even circled behind Wei Xiaobei.
When a large encirclement was formed, these humans immediately increased their speed and rushed towards Wei Xiaobei.
To be honest, this situation looks really scary. Although they are no different from normal people, their behavior looks very abnormal.
Wei Xiaobei knew that these humans had been controlled by Bi Xian and Die Xian and had become their puppets.
It has to be said that these pen fairies and dish fairies are much more harmful to humans than other monsters.
If it weren’t for those Pen Immortals and Dish Immortals, when they first entered reality, they were not strong enough and could only control some people around Cuihu University who had held ceremonies to invite Pen Immortals and Dish Immortals, thereby exposing their words.
Over time, the people in the entire city may not even have a chance to escape.
If you think about it, you will know that all the people in the city are controlled by Bi Xian and become their skeletons. This is a bit too scary.
Faced with being surrounded by these puppet humans, Wei Xiaobei didn’t care at all, but it was impossible for him to kill these puppet humans with one punch. You know, if possible, Wei Xiaobei still wanted to rescue these people. of.
/Reaching out to grab a white-collar worker who was rushing in front of him, Wei Xiaobei kicked off his legs and ran up to a building next to him.
“Put me down, accept the gift of the pen fairy, and get rid of this chaotic world.”
What Wei Xiaobei didn’t expect was that the white-collar worker he caught began to chatter endlessly after struggling a few times without success.
Listening to his words, it seems that his sanity has not been suppressed by the clone of the Pressing Brush Immortal.
This made Wei Xiaobei a little strange.
When they reached the roof, Wei Xiaobei left the white-collar worker behind and began to ask, “Do you know who you are?”
“Me? I am the Pen Fair