

This kind of yellow sheep is very fast, reaching a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Usually, it moves in groups, with the number of each group ranging from thirty to one hundred.
To say that this yellow sheep group numbering tens of thousands is really rare.
/Well, probably it has never appeared in the records of yellow sheep in the United States.
It is conceivable that once these yellow sheep herds enter the hilly areas, they will be fired wildly by automatic machine guns.
In view of this, the soldiers on duty in the control room became less calm and hurriedly reported the sudden situation to their superiors.
After receiving the news, even the base director was a little stunned.
According to the regulations of the nuclear bomb base, any creature that approaches the nuclear bomb base without wearing an identification mark, even a scorpion, must be killed.
But if this object is replaced by tens of thousands of yellow sheep, it will be more troublesome.
If he kills all these yellow sheep, he might be discovered by others, which will put him in the hot water.
When he thought about this problem, the director of the nuclear bomb base felt a throbbing pain in his head.
Should he comply with the regulations at the risk of being called a butcher, or should he risk being sent to a military court to protect animals?
Well, although this question is a bit brain-burning, it is actually very easy for people to make a choice.
Ultimately, the supervisor chose to avoid being court-martialed.
In fact, anyone who is not confused can know this.
One is a choice that will definitely result in being sent to a military court, and the other is a choice that may be scolded, but nothing may happen in the end.
Due to the choice of the general in charge, the base did not turn off the automatic machine gun control system.
“Warning! Warning! You have entered a military restricted area, exit immediately! Exit immediately!”
This is also a group of yellow sheep rushing over. If they were humans, they would have been intercepted by mobile American soldiers outside the hilly area.
This computer synthesized sound is a predetermined program and has not been turned off.
Well, no matter whether it is a real yellow sheep or a yellow sheep bred by Wei Xiaobei, it is impossible to listen to this warning sound and exit obediently.
After a few dozen seconds, automatic machine guns rose up in the sand around the yellow sheep group.
By this point, there was no warning.
As the computer program started, these machine guns fired immediately, shooting evil bullets at the poor yellow sheep.
Da da da
Bullets carrying powerful kinetic energy were continuously shot out at a speed nearly three times the speed of sound, digging fist-sized holes in the yellow sheep’s bodies. Some yellow sheep’s heads were even hit by bullets and exploded instantly.
The whole scene is extremely bloody and terrifying!
The yellow sheep group was hit by such a blow, and the herd immediately exploded. Thousands of yellow sheep scattered and fled for their lives, runn