
eave any trace on the small iron rod formed by the White Mist Dragon Spear!

You know, with Wei Xiaobei’s current strength of more than a thousand tons, let alone a small iron rod, even the composite armor of a tank can be easily destroyed.
But there was nothing I could do about this little iron rod.
As for high temperature, high pressure, strong acid, strong alkali, etc., they are useless.
Wei Xiaobei deduced from this that the White Mist Dragon Spear was in an extremely special state when it was evolving, and this state could not be changed by other effects at all.
/In this case, this little iron rod should be of some use in dealing with ink.
Of course, if the little iron rod fails, Wei Xiaobei will have no choice but to use his last resort, electric burst!
In that case, Wei Xiaobei would be in a weak state, which would be more dangerous when he goes deep into Green Lake University.
The small iron rod suddenly appeared on Wei Xiaobei’s right hand, and then with his legs a little bit, Wei Xiaobei rushed towards a drop of falling ink, and the small iron rod pointed at the ink.
During this process, even Wei Xiaobei’s heart was beating wildly.
No way, this kind of thing is gambling. If it succeeds, it is good, but if it fails, it may lead to unpredictable and dangerous consequences.
Silently, the small iron rod collided with the ink. Regardless of whether it was successful or not, Wei Xiaobei quickly fell towards the ground with a heavy weight while his eyes swept over the small iron rod.
Um? ! !
There was a drop of black stuff on the tip of the small iron rod, but the previous drop of ink had disappeared.
French squid, success!
Wei Xiaobei was ecstatic, his eyes swept around, and he couldn’t help but take a breath of air.
Just outside the radius of five meters around where he stood, patches of grass had turned into ink paintings, and trees suddenly appeared.
If he doesn’t succeed, the ground under his feet may turn into an ink painting!
Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate and carefully put the small iron rod and the drop of ink into the storage ring.
You have to be careful, the slightest mistake may cause the ink to take effect, and there is no need to say more about the outcome.
Putting away the small iron rod, Wei Xiaobei looked around carefully. Fortunately, there was a small gap left between the ink paintings. Although it was extremely narrow, if he was careful, he should be able to pass through it without any problem.
Of course, due to his own safety concerns, Wei Xiaobei did not be careless. He carefully observed and calculated for a while, and only after making sure that nothing was missing, he stepped into the gap.
The entrance to this gap is enough for Wei Xiaobei to put a foot down, but the further you go in, the smaller the gap becomes, and the middle part is so weak that Wei Xiaobei can only put one foot down.
At this time, all the muscles in Wei Xiaobei’s body were under complete control. Even the impact on the soil every time he landed was taken into account by Wei Xiaobei.
One step, two s