
and blood, and countless flesh sprouts rolled like a tide. It didn’t take long for most of the flesh and blood to grow back, allowing Wei Xiaobei to barely regain his human form.

Not to mention Wei Xiaobei’s strength to recover his body, just that the dragon fire arrow turned into a fire dragon after being shot, and disappeared into the black mist in the blink of an eye.
Then there was a loud bang, and in a blink of an eye, a big hole was blasted in the center of the black mist, and a fire dragon shuttled back and forth inside.
And two giant hands composed of black mist desperately chased after the fire dragon, trying to catch the fire dragon.
But for the fire dragon, the speed of the two black mist arms chasing behind him was a bit too slow.
Under the high temperature of the flames emitted by the fire dragon, wherever it passed, the black mist was suddenly burned away.
A huge black figure wrapped in black mist appeared in the burned-out hole.
Then the fire dragon didn’t hesitate at all and rushed towards the huge figure emerging from the black mist.
The fire dragon hit the huge figure with its head, and then the fire dragon entangled the huge figure.
Violent flames instantly rose from the fire dragon’s body, turning the huge figure into a huge torch.
As the huge figure turned into a huge torch, the black mist wrapped around it was immediately burned away, and the black mist that was spreading around had to roll back and rush towards the fire dragon, trying to kill it. The flames caused by the dragon went out.
But when the black mist rolled back and collided with the flame, it seemed as if a bucket of gasoline had been poured onto the flame, making it burn even more violently.
Under the burning flames, the huge figure began to move, struggling desperately in the flames.
Under the illumination of the fire, Wei Xiaobei, who had recovered most of his body, could see clearly that the huge figure was a giant mushroom that was more than ten meters tall!
The little red riding hood was currently sitting on the head of the giant mushroom, trying its best to resist the flames that were constantly shooting over.
It should be said that Little Red Riding Hood’s aura at this time has been weakened a lot compared to before. The biological level is probably only four-star ordinary, and its height has also shrunk from more than ten meters before to less than three meters.
But the aura of the giant black mushroom under his seat reached a level of four-star terror!
/If we judged solely from the aura, the aura of this giant black mushroom was probably a little weaker than that of Wei Xiaobei.
Four-star horror! ! ?
Well, this may be the strongest person Wei Xiaobei has encountered in the real world!
The umbrella surface of this giant black mushroom is covered with blunt black thorns and a pair of tightly closed eyes. There are rows of hands and feet on the mushroom trunk. At the same time, the black mist outside its body transforms into Countless little black mushroom shapes are constantly resisting the burning