
therwise she will run away.”

Wei Renwu jumped down from the top and said: “Don’t worry, I heard that Nanchong’s ‘Wenxing Rice Noodles’ are very delicious. Let’s go have breakfast and we can catch up again.”
Yue Ming questioned again: “My car is very fast. If we don’t chase her quickly, I’m afraid it will be difficult to catch her.”
Wei Renwu laughed again, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, she can’t run far at all. I didn’t just use the tracker.”
Yue Ming was no longer happy now. He said, “I hope you didn’t do anything to my car.”
Wei Renwu chuckled and said, “Guess.”
On the other side, Xu Jiu had already driven Yue Ming’s “Maserati” on the “Guangnan Expressway” toward Guangyuan. She was planning to leave Sichuan from Guangyuan, go to Hanzhong, and enter Shaanxi Province.
Xu Jiu’s cold face showed a proud smile. She was thinking in her heart that these two idiots Wei Renwu and Yue Ming must not have known that she would run away, and they must still be sleeping now. If she really took them with her The two of them will only kill herself, so for her, getting rid of them is her only way out.
She was expressionless, thinking about her revenge plan. Just as the plan was gradually becoming clear in her mind, there was a sudden bang, completely interrupting her train of thought.
Xu Jiu didn’t know where the sound came from. She only knew that after the sound came out, the “Maserati” malfunctioned. Except for the brakes and steering wheel, it seemed that every function was disabled.
Xu Jiu didn’t understand what was wrong with the Maserati, and now it was getting slower and slower. She could only park the car on the side of the emergency road.
/Xu Jiu got out of the car anxiously to check what was wrong with the “Maserati”. She opened the hood, and a pungent smoke hit her face, choking Xu Jiu’s nose and tears bursting out.
Xu Jiu waited until the smoke dissipated before he could check the condition of the engine, but the situation was not optimistic. The entire engine had been scrapped.
On the highway with no village in front or back, without any means of transportation, besides walking, the only way may be to see if there is a passing car willing to give Xu Jiu a ride.
In this land of China, most people care about their own affairs, and it is difficult for you to meet an enthusiastic person who is truly willing to help you.
Xu Jiu had no choice. After all, she didn’t want to come into contact with too many strangers, which would be bad for herself and others, but now she could only turn to others for help.
She stood at the intersection and gave her thumbs up to every passing vehicle.
This is a way to request a ride. Many people who like to travel know this gesture.
Unfortunately, after an hour, no car was willing to stop.
/Xu Jiu almost wanted to give up. Without a car, she knew how to walk to Guangyuan.
She decided to try one last time. Almost two minutes later, an off-road vehicle arrived. Xu Jiu quickly extended her thumb, hoping that the vehicle would stop.
Huangtian paid off, the car actually sto