
ort, their foundation can definitely crush Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun Over here.

Therefore, from the beginning, although Wei Xiaobei was a little eager to give it a try, he had no intention of attacking these two real dragons. He just wanted to think of a way to drive away these two real dragons to avoid causing even greater trouble.
After all, Wei Xiaobei walked away on his own, so nothing happened. No matter how powerful the Dragon King of the Four Seas was, he probably wouldn’t be able to pursue him from the gray world to reality.
But Zhao Yun has set up his camp here, so he probably won’t be able to escape. For ordinary people, it’s a long way from the seaside to the camp. It’s hundreds of kilometers away, but for the Dragon King of the Four Seas, it’s probably only a few kilometers away. It’s just a distance away from the huge waves.
As for Ao Yan seeking revenge in the future, we can only say more.
Wei Xiaobei thought so, and so did Zhao Yun.
To be honest, even though Zhao Yun was a four-star elite before, Wei Xiaobei could no longer see his biological level once he started fighting. As for how high it was, at least it would not be lower than four-star terror, and it might even be four-star. Star disaster!
But what happened next, neither Wei Xiaobei nor Zhao Yun expected.
Just as the generals retreated, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun took turns hitting the black dragon and white dragon against the huge whirlpool. Not long after, another dark cloud moved over in the distance.
The direction in which the dark cloud was moving made Wei Xiaobei really worried.
/That direction is the South China Sea!
Similarly, among the dark clouds, a red dragon was tumbling and flying towards this side.
However, compared to the black dragon and white dragon, the aura exuded by this red dragon is weaker and has a little animal aura.
This also shows that the true dragon blood of this red dragon is impure.
But looking at its body shape, with two horns and three claws, even if its bloodline is impure, its strength is not weak.
Seeing the red dragon flying towards him and being smashed by Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei, the embarrassed black dragon and white dragon seemed to have seen a savior. They all shouted for help: “Ao Huo! Save me. !”
To say that the red dragon was a little surprised when he saw the battle that broke out here and the lava everywhere, and then heard the two real dragons call out his name, and he couldn’t help but get furious after looking carefully: “Ao Mo’ang, Ao Wang, Brothers, wait, my brother will come to rescue you immediately!”
Then, the red dragon shouted to Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei: “I am the ninth prince of the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea! A bold mortal, how dare you be rude to the dragon clan!”
In response to the roar of the red dragon, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun didn’t respond at all. Instead, they struck harder!
The rotten silver spear in Zhao Yun’s hand turned into seven giant snakes again, and rushed towards the black dragon again.
The black dragon made a mistake before and was restrained b