
pplied it to the wound on his back.

“As long as it can save her life, she ran too fast and couldn’t get the antidote.” Lu Bei shrugged. When treating Luo Ban’s injury, he found that his poisoning was more serious than Zhu Bo’s, and secretly thought it was troublesome.
“I’m going to touch their Qiankun bags. There might be some special medicine. Brother Bo and Brother Luo are unconscious. I’m seriously injured and have died. You have to test the medicine.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’ll try.”
Zhu Bo shook his head without arguing, and after a moment he asked doubtfully: “Brother Lu, are you a demon cultivator?”
Lu Bei dug out a few books on the secrets of demon cultivating in the strong man’s Qiankun bag. While flipping through them, he explained: “What’s that look in my eyes? I am a serious Taoist cultivator and a positive figure.”
The hand speed of the front character touching the Qiankun bag is far worse than yours.
“Ah, that’s it”
Zhu Bo’s head hurt, so he scratched it hard and changed the subject: “Brother Lu has a sharp eye and saw that the Liu brothers were betraying their friends for glory and did not take the antidote, otherwise we would be dead this time.”
“Of course, those two old boys are scheming. I can tell at a glance that they are rebellious. No one can trust them.”
Lu Bei humbly admitted that he was so anxious to hold back his ultimate move that he would hit himself with his fists in a hurry. How could he take the antidote?
Besides, what the hell are the Liu brothers? He even guarded Zhu Bo, let alone those two young men.
Zhu Bo’s injury was serious, so he fell asleep after taking the blood-tonifying pill. He didn’t know how long it took, but when he woke up in a daze, he saw Luo Ban sitting cross-legged in meditation, guarding his side.
“Brother Luo, how is your injury? How are you recovering?”
“I can hold a knife and walk.” Luo Ban said concisely and concisely.
At this time, there was a rumbling sound, and Zhu Bo was startled, thinking that She Zhang had gone and returned. When he looked closely, it was Lu Bei who was throwing a flying knife at the Buddha-faced Golden Spider. He shot it and moved to another place, but did not get close. Last hit.
You weren’t so cowardly when you were risking your life!
Zhu Bo looked quite speechless, and Luo Ban added from the side: “You can’t blame him for being cautious. He has been beating like this for a while, and the Buddha-faced Golden Body Spider just won’t die. It even fought back twice during this period. Its vitality is too tenacious.”
Zhu Bo smiled and shook his head. He was strong but cautious. This brother made no mistake.
It is true that Lu Bei is a bit thick-skinned, and being friends with him is destined to be the loser.
/But the facts have also proved that he has a bottom line, which is much better than those brothers who stabbed people in the back without blinking an eye.
Half an hour later, Lu Bei killed the Buddha-faced Golden Spider. After receiving the message prompt, he opened it and scanned it.
/[You killed Liu Meng and gained