
rolled his eyes: “Lao An, stop talking. In your place, all we eat is turkey, and the meat is simply too much to mention.”

Huang Kun’s words were spoken from the bottom of his heart.
Last time, Huang Kun’s mother got married and moved to Denmark, and Huang Kun complained about the food there. The focus here was chicken.
Indeed, Chinese chicken and turkey are completely different concepts.
Andre didn’t argue. While Huang Kun was vomiting, he scooped the last bit of chicken soup from the bottom of the pot into his bowl.
After Huang Kun found out, he gritted his teeth in anger, but he couldn’t take anything out of Andre’s mouth.
After supper, it was already getting late, so everyone went back to sleep.
Seeing Che Meihan leaving with Zhu Xinyi and Xiao Bailing talking and laughing, Wei Xiaobei felt a little itchy.
People are like this, and the best explanation is to know the taste by eating the marrow.
Even a guy with an extremely strong mind like Wei Xiaobei would find it difficult to restrain himself in this regard after experiencing the most important thing in a man’s life.
Of course, Wei Xiaobei restrained himself in the end. Among other things, if Zhu Xinyi found out that he had a relationship with Che Meihan, he would probably lose all face as his master.
After all, Che Meihan is only 16 years old!
If Wei Xiaobei saw this kind of thing before, he would hatefully call him a beast!
The next day, Shanbing called and said that the three pieces of jade had been handed over to the auction company and would be auctioned as the finale of next week’s auction.
After settling this matter, Wei Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving the martial arts hall, he went straight to the old rental street, preparing to enter the gray world from there.
After all, Ao Yan only gave Wei Xiaobei three days in total. It had been more than two days since he was busy with this matter.
Entering the gray world and returning to the desert area, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have any surprises until he was in front of Ao Yan.
As soon as Wei Xiaobei arrived, Ao Yan looked a little surprised: “Why did your strength increase so quickly?”
/Um? This Ao Yan is really powerful, he can see it at a glance.
Wei Xiaobei was thinking about whether he should keep silent, then Ao Yan changed his attention and couldn’t wait to urge Wei Xiaobei to clean up.
However, Ao Yan was really a bit sleepy. He was excited to supervise Wei Xiaobei, but before Wei Xiaobei was ready, Ao Yan yawned and lowered his head.
“I’m too sleepy. I can’t do it anymore. Let’s sleep for a while.” A soft voice came, and soon Ao Yan fell into a deep sleep.
Looking at Ao Yan who fell into a deep sleep, Wei Xiaobei felt dumbfounded.
/Of course, Wei Xiaobei also knew that even if Ao Yan fell into a deep sleep, he would not be able to escape like this.
You must know that the dragon soul on his forehead is Ao Yan’s monitor. If he escapes, he may not be able to avoid Ao Yan’s pursuit!
Of course, since Ao Yan fell into a deep sleep, Wei Xiaobei would feel much more relaxed even