
aped from the gathering place of heroic warriors, he didn’t have time to see the appearance of the Valkyrie and the Swan Fairy, so he didn’t know that the swan was the famous Swan Fairy in Nordic mythology.

Of course, even so, Wei Xiaobei felt an unusual threat from this swan!
The reason is simple. Just when Wei Xiaobei expanded his sensor search to see the swan going up the passage, the other party seemed to have noticed Wei Xiaobei’s sensor search line of sight. Then his feathers stood up and his eyes turned to Wei Xiaobei. The direction of Xiaobei!
You must know that Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei have not tried it before, but other four-star generals, even monsters such as the Thousand-Eyed Monster, cannot detect Wei Xiaobei’s inductive search state. sight.
It can be said that before this, Wei Xiaobei’s induction search was silent and completely undetectable. It was an extremely safe and reliable detection method.
But now, the swan was actually aware of his observation, which made Wei Xiaobei feel a sense of crisis inexplicably, and he immediately began to consider whether to improve the branch attribute of perception in the future.
After all, this perception attribute is only 22.1 so far.
It’s indeed a bit weak.
After noticing Wei Xiaobei’s sensor search, the swan speeded up and soon flew out of the tree hole.
After seeing the swan appear, Andre covered his mouth with both hands without any hesitation.
As a heroic warrior, no matter how unqualified Andre is, he still knows what a swan is here.
One of Valkyrie’s most powerful thugs!
It is said that in Norse mythology, any enemy army that is flown by a swan will suffer a devastating blow and be defeated, no matter how strong their previous army was.
/As for Kesmier, she also carefully hid her body in the collar near Wei Xiaobei’s shoulders.
The natural enemy of the little goblin is the big crow. Although I have never heard of any rumors that a swan will eat a little goblin, this swan is much more powerful than the big crow. Kesmeier is not a fool. She did not test this swan to eat. The idea of ??not eating goblins.
After the swan flew out of the tree hole, it circled nearby and quickly found the bonfire ashes left by Wei Xiaobei.
After discovering the still hot bonfire ashes, the swan seemed to become angry and screamed loudly.
Well, about this, Wei Xiaobei could guess what was going on with his buttocks.
This is the World Tree, so the use of fire is probably not allowed.
Although Wei Xiaobei was hiding behind a few world leaves, he was a little worried at this time.
/This swan was so keen that it found the bonfire that he had extinguished so quickly. It would probably not be difficult to find his traces next.
The most terrible thing is that the swan did not leave. Not long after it screamed loudly, two more swans flew out of the tree hole and joined together.
These three swans were not as brainless as the giants. After confirming that the thief Wei Xiaobei was here, the previous swan did not act rashly. Instead, it waited until the other two swans m