

Wei Xiaobei only had time to dodge, and the giant wolf hit the ground, and meat sauce flew everywhere like bullets.
Even Wei Xiaobei’s body had several holes pierced by the meat paste.
/Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei dodged in time. The holes were in secondary areas and had little impact on Wei Xiaobei. He would only bleed a little and stop the bleeding and scarring in a few breaths.
During the rest of the journey, Wei Xiaobei became even more vigilant. The sensor search was always turned on, and all movements within a range of 400 meters were grasped by Wei Xiaobei.
In addition, Wei Xiaobei’s electromagnetic field, which had never been put to much use, finally came to great use this time.
Guys like Wei Xiaobei who don’t belong to either side, whether it’s the giant or the World Tree, will attack him when they get too close.
When Wei Xiaobei passed through a narrow gap between small battlefields, hundreds of heroic warriors raised their weapons and surrounded Wei Xiaobei.
Wei Xiaobei was not afraid of these heroic warriors. The only trouble was that once he got entangled with them, it would be a luxury to escape quickly.
What’s even worse is that once all the monsters in the two small battlefields are involved, Wei Xiaobei’s dangerous situation will increase dozens of times!
Just when the heroic warriors rushed within fifteen meters of Wei Xiaobei, the metal weapons in their hands cut the electromagnetic field. As a result, a burst of electric sparks came from those weapons, electrifying all the heroic warriors. Shaking randomly, as if dancing.
Naturally, Wei Xiaobei would not miss this good opportunity. He suddenly accelerated and rushed through the group of heroic warriors in one fell swoop.
Of course, since these heroic warriors were hostile to him, Wei Xiaobei was not polite. He showed his diamond mace in his hand and hit all the heroic warriors who could be attacked on the head, until their heads were broken and died.
There are many dangers on the battlefield, and this is no place for fun.
Wei Xiaobei had just broken through the siege of the heroic warriors when a huge tail smashed down in front of him. If he looked closely, he saw that it was a giant python with a body length of more than 130 meters.
Wei Xiaobei kicked off his legs and rushed forward with a diving leap. He managed to avoid the giant python’s tail attack, but in the blink of an eye, the dozen or so heroic warriors following Wei Xiaobei were struck by the giant snake’s tail. Patted into meatloaf.
Accidental injury to friendly forces!
Well, in fact, if the giants attack in a large scale, there will definitely be a fight between these heroic warriors and the giant pythons, and the loser will become the opponent’s meat.
When Wei Xiaobei ran past the giant python, he did not forget to give the giant python a slap. However, the diamond mace had not triggered the effect before, and Wei Xiaobei triggered it when he hit the giant python.
Heavy blows and shocks are activated at the same time!
Just like that, a bloody hole was opened i