
climbed onto the stone wall, Wei Xiaobei saw the battle outside.

At this time, outside the valley, more than thirty white turtles that were as big as elephants were fighting with a large group of soldiers, and a turtle that was as big as a hill was being restrained by several military generals.
Wei Xiaobei glanced around, activated his powerful knowledge, and immediately understood the origin of these turtles.
In fact, these turtles, which are all white, have red heads, and constantly spit out flames from their mouths, are called turtles.
It is called a kind of disaster beast in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and will cause fire wherever it appears.
/Of course, you can tell where the fire started by looking at the way it keeps spitting out flames.
The situation at this time is indeed somewhat critical.
The biological levels of these elephant-sized turtles are approximately three-star ordinary and three-star elite, while the hill-shaped turtles are all four-star ordinary.
The generals headed by Lieutenant Zhou had no problem in containing the small tortoise, but the thousands of sergeants had some trouble dealing with more than thirty elephant-sized tortoises.
These turtles have extremely strong defenses. When attacked, they will retract their heads and limbs into extremely hard shells. Then, when they extend their heads, a mouthful of flame will spurt out.
With just such a mastery of kung fu, dozens of soldiers were burned and retired from the battle.
And if Captain Zhou and other generals want to get rid of the small mountain-shaped turtle, it may not be that simple.
Of course, if those small turtles are dealt with, it should be much easier to deal with the big turtles.
Zhao Tong was also a general who was experienced in leading troops. Seeing such a battle situation, he naturally knew how to deal with it. He immediately ordered a hundred generals and Du Bo to lead his subordinates to deal with a turtle.
Wei Xiaobei was in a good mood at this time, and he rushed towards a turtle with his one hundred soldiers.
At this time, the turtle had already repelled the soldiers who had surrounded it. It originally wanted to rush towards the stone wall at the entrance of the valley, but who would have thought that at this time, Wei Xiaobei arrived.
Seeing the enemy’s reinforcements arriving, Guigui didn’t panic at all. When he saw Wei Xiaobei’s big spear stabbing him in front, he calmly retracted his head and limbs, leaving only his back shell lying on the ground.
Naturally, Wei Xiaobei would not stop there, and the White Mist Dragon Spear immediately chased and stabbed into his retracted head.
After this turtle retracts its head, a piece of plate armor on the top of its head will block the last loophole, leaving no flaw in its body.
The swords, guns and arrows in the hands of the soldiers before hit the iron plate, but they took the opportunity to kill them and retreated in succession.
But the turtle never expected that as soon as he retracted his head, he felt a pain on the plate on the top of his head