
Xiaobei thought of the red biscuit meat in his storage bag. He had some free time today, so he processed the red bisque meat.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei checked the ingredients in the storage bag.
After rummaging through the storage bag for a few times, Wei Xiaobei focused on the ancient Roman armors and shields he had collected from the gray world.
Wei Xiaobei originally gave these things to Huang Kun, and later gave Huang Kun a set of sacred armor, so Huang Kun returned these armors and shields.
After noticing these armors and shields, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but be stunned.
I was stupid. I had forgotten how to get money in this way.
Making money in the gray world is not just about finding gold and banknotes. You should also be able to exchange these things for money, right?
But before that, you should find an expert to take a look.
Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei immediately called Shan Bing.
Wei Xiaobei had no choice but to find a single soldier for everything. If he counted among his acquaintances, he was probably the only one who could find an expert in this field.
After entering the gray world last time, Shan Bing seemed to have some enlightenment. Although he was still involved in scandals, he began to work honestly in his family business, which greatly pleased his father and put a lot of power in his hands. It made him a lot busier.
Therefore, when Wei Xiaobei called, Shan Bing was presiding over a meeting. After receiving the call from Wei Xiaobei, he did not hesitate. He immediately pressed his left hand down to silence everyone, and he answered the phone in a swaggering manner. Come.
/I have to say that the taste of power is fascinating.
Have you not seen how majestic San Fatty, who was a good student studying in Switzerland in the past, is now in order to retain power? With just one order, heads are rolling in.
this is the truth.
The single soldier did not dare to show off in front of Wei Xiaobei, but he was quite domineering in front of his subordinates.
Wei Xiaobei can rest assured that there is some truth in what he said as he works alone.
“Brother Wei, is something wrong?”
Perhaps because of more experience, Shan Bing’s voice has become a little magnetic. This is something he had dreamed of before. You must know that magnetic voices are very advantageous when picking up girls.
Of course, after becoming slightly mature, the individual soldier was not very happy about this.
“Do you have any antique experts you are familiar with?”
Wei Xiaobei asked immediately.
“In which aspect?”
The conversation that followed showed that the individual soldier was indeed more mature than before. He did not pat his chest and take everything in as before. Instead, he inquired carefully, but during the inquiry he did not ask Wei Xiaobei any in-depth questions.
In fact, this is the principle of doing things. If you do it all, you will not be able to get things done in the end, but will delay the real work.
“Armor from the Roman War Period in Europe.”
Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and then rep