
shook his head, pointed at his nose with his thumb, and said, “Who do you think Mr. Wei is? He doesn’t look at you at all. It’s me who wants to challenge you.”

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the office, and the onlookers took out their mobile phones to record this explosive incident.
The corner of Shu Po’s mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt insulted. He was a great detective, but he was challenged by a young boy, and was looked down upon by Wei Renwu.
Shu Po said angrily: “Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to challenge me? Even if Wei Renwu comes in person, I have to consider whether he is qualified.”
“Hahahaha,” Yue Ming laughed arrogantly, “You must be afraid, afraid that you are not even as good as someone else’s assistant. I advise you to close this detective agency as soon as possible, and stop cheating and embarrassing yourself. ”
Yue Ming knew that he had successfully angered Shu Po, but he never thought that he could be so sharp-tongued. A year ago, he definitely couldn’t do it. Following Wei Renwu, he turned into what he had become.
Shu Po pointed at Yue Ming’s nose and cursed: “Okay, I accept your challenge. I want to show everyone that I, Shu Po, am not someone who can be challenged by just a young boy.”
The goal has been achieved, and he can no longer be afraid. He held his head high and said: “Okay, then let’s compete to see who is the better detective.”
“How do you want to compare?” Shu Po’s eyes were blazing. He took a deep breath to calm down.
“Since I’m the one challenging you, it would be a big disadvantage for you if I were to decide the rules. I’m not someone who likes to take advantage, so you should decide the rules.” Yue Ming has obviously put himself and Shu Shu Po is treated at the same level as Shu Po, and it is precisely this that makes Shu Po feel angry.
Shu Po snorted coldly: “It’s interesting, let’s do this. After all, you are a junior, and I have to let you go. Tomorrow, the Public Security Department has three important cases that require me to conduct on-site inspections. You come with me, and let’s see who can do it.” Solve the case in the shortest time. I will give you three chances. As long as you solve one case first, you will win.”
Yue Ming chuckled and said: “Then you are miserable. If I only need to win one case, it will be easy for me. Just wait and smash the sign.”
Shu Po pointed to this office and said: “At eight thirty tomorrow morning, I’ll be here, I’ll wait for you.”
/Yue Ming turned around and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he said: “Don’t worry, if I don’t come tomorrow, I will be a bastard.”
After Yue Ming left, all major media outlets were rushing to report on this matter.
Just reading these news headlines is more exciting than watching a bloody drama.
Wei Renwu was sitting at home, smoking a cigarette, looking at the news on his phone, and nodded with satisfaction.
Yue Ming on the side tried uneasily: “Let me tell you, Mr. Wei, am I really good at this? After all, Shu Po is already a famous detec