
nformation, so I also went to Seoul.”

“It turns out that you went to Seoul in the past few days when you disappeared.” Yue Ming suddenly realized. No wonder Wei Renwu seemed to have disappeared from the world in those few days. It turned out that he was out of the country.
“Didn’t Captain Lin tell you? She used her connections to get my visa and passport for me. She knows where I am going.” Wei Renwu betrayed Lin Xingchen by the way.
/Yue Ming said angrily: “It turns out that Captain Lin also knows that you really worked together to deceive me.”
Wei Renwu laughed again. The louder his laughter became, the more Yue Ming felt that Wei Renwu was sarcastic. Wei Renwu laughed and said: “Let’s not mention this for now. Where did we just talk? Oh, yes, Seoul, so I went there too. Seoul, by the way, that bank friend is really powerful. He was able to help me find out that the owner of the account was a Chinese, and he could also find out which branch the Chinese had withdrawn the money from. There was a name and a nationality. With gender and branch address, the scope was suddenly narrowed down a lot. But I don’t have much time. With this range, it would still take a lot of time to find them one by one, so I thought of another strategy.”
“What’s the plan?” Yue Ming was affected by Wei Renwu’s story and forgot about his anger just now.
Wei Renwu shrugged and said: “Didn’t I get a bonus of 100,000 yuan in the last case? After all, I still had some money, so I went to the bank and opened an account of 5 million yuan for Master Long. Added one hundred thousand.”
Yue Ming asked in confusion: “You can find someone by giving money out of nowhere?”
Wei Renwu said: “Yes, that’s how we found the person. You know, this person and I have never met each other. I suddenly gave him 100,000 yuan, so I must have made the wrong payment.”
“Wrong money? Who believes it?” Yue Ming didn’t believe it anyway. Wei Renwu did it on purpose.
Wei Renwu said: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, as long as the bank believes half of it. Of course, I also successfully convinced the bank. They were half-convinced and said they would find the person who held the collection account for verification to see if he really shouldn’t accept the payment.” I needed the money, so they called that person, and finally I managed to meet that person in the shortest time.”
“Who is that person?” Yue Ming asked curiously.
Wei Renwu paused, put out his cigarette, and then said, “This person is the instigator. Before I name this person, I want to ask you first, why do you think there are two people in Long Qian?”
Yue Ming shook his head and said: “I don’t know. Long Qian doesn’t have twin brothers. There shouldn’t be two people who can be right.”
Wei Renwu smiled and said, “I’ll show you something.”
Yue Ming was very curious, what would Wei Renwu want him to see? He saw Wei Renwu walking up to Long Qian and saying to Long Qian: “Master Long, the matter is now over. I think you have nothing to hide anymore, so let’s take a look.”
/Could it be that Long Q