
was still this layer of secrets.

Lao Jiang has something!
Lu Bei angrily praised him. Jiang Su was rebellious, and so was he, so this legacy was disrespectful.
“Niu Jinniu has entered the devil’s path and her whereabouts are elusive. I’m afraid it won’t be easy to find her.”
“It’s not up to you whether you are possessed or not. She is your enemy, right?”
/“Hmph, I know a little bit about the ways of magic. I will know at a glance whether she is possessed or not. You can just lead the way.”
Lu Bei still said the same thing, he knows people but not their hearts. The more sanctimonious a person is, the more he is full of men stealing women and prostitutes. You can’t just listen to Yang Dian’s words.
Who knows, Niu Jinniu’s temperament changed drastically when he was possessed by the devil, and he would have sex all the time. Could it be because Yang Dian, the scumbag, pulled up his pants and turned against anyone else, and was so heartbroken that he started not cherishing his own body?
And there is no question whether there will be a silver party.
/Therefore, what is true about Ox and Taurus must be seen to be believed.
“Lead the way!”
“Xuanwu, Ox and Taurus”
“Think clearly before speaking. I don’t want to hear nonsense.”
“Although I don’t know where Niu Jinniu is, there is one person who may know it. Just find him and ask.” Yang Dian hesitated, fearing that if he revealed the other person’s life, the other person would be seriously injured like him.
There are only four Mahayana warriors in Xiangwu who can fight, but they have all fallen. Who will resist the foreign enemies?
This time, he said he would not lead the way!
“If you are idle, you are idle. You can check it out slowly. I will go to the Imperial City to find the Queen Mother to have some fun.”
“Look for the Queen and Princess Bin Fei again!”
“In front of the emperor”
“Xuanwu, come with me, that man’s name is Ji Wuhou.”
Yang Dian gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his heart bleeding, and silently apologized to Marquis Ji Wu.
My virtuous brother, I will apologize for my mistake here, and I will treat you to a drink another day!
Marquis Ji Wu was a Mahayana monk with good cultivation, and he had a seat among the top four in Wu.
This person comes from a family of cultivators, and his mother is the princess of the Xiangwu royal family. He has repeatedly bounced between the family and the royal family since he was a child, and has developed a temperament that plays both sides. He is a standard peacemaker.
Under normal circumstances, when the other three Mahayana stage fights, he would jump out and shout.
Oh, stop fighting!
To be fair, this kind of person is actually quite annoying, but Yang Dian, one of the parties involved, thinks highly of him. Because of the national conditions of Wu, he must have a peacemaker of sufficient weight.
Marquis Ji Wu is strong enough and has royal blood, so he is most suitable as a peacemaker.
Shangyaocheng, the address of the Ji family.
Yang Dian begged hard and finally got Lu Bei’s consent. He enter