
yone, and I don’t need to care about anyone. I am free and unrestrained, quiet and quiet. The earth is for me and the sky is for me. What is this if it is not an immortal?” Wei Renwu blew out the smoke ring deeply.

Xiang Tianxiao nodded and praised: “What you said is very reasonable, but instead of being an immortal, I would rather be a saint.”
Wei Renwu shook his head and said: “‘Saints are unkind and treat the common people as stupid dogs.’ In my eyes, saints are worse than bad people.”
Xiang Tianxiao laughed and said: “It’s none of my business. The loose immortal hanging high up seems to be no better than a saint.”
Wei Renwu sat up and smiled too. He smiled and said, “So we can be considered the same kind.”
Xiangtian smiled and said, “It seems to be true.”
The two laughed at each other.
Xiang Tianxiao took Wei Renwu to his own villa. It was an independent villa with a garden. It looked like it was worth tens of millions.
It happened to be spring, and as soon as you entered the gate, you could see a dazzling array of flowers in the garden. There were countless types of flowers. However, these flowers seemed to be invisible to Wei Renwu. Wei Renwu only saw two young and beautiful women standing behind the flowers. Beautiful maid.
Wei Renwu praised: “I have to say, Boss Xiang is so lucky.”
Xiang Tianxiao smiled and did not respond. He ordered the two maids: “Go and put in the hot water, and prepare two sets of clean clothes.”
One of the maids with oval-shaped faces said: “Master, do you want to take a bath?”
Xiang Tianxiao pointed at the dirty but smiling Wei Renwu and said, “He wants to take a bath.”
The two maids looked at Wei Renwu with disgust.
Wei Renwu said with a smile: “Boss Xiang, I want to discuss something with you.”
“But it doesn’t matter.”
“Can I borrow these two beauties to take a bath with me?”
“Of course.” Xiang Tianxiao ordered the two maids again, “You two take this little brother to take a bath.”
After telling the joke to the sky, the two maids felt as if the sky was falling, but Wei Renwu’s mood was exactly the opposite, more like a rain after a long drought.
Wei Renwu geared up and followed the two maids impatiently.
Li Kai, who was following Xiang Tianxiao, said angrily: “I don’t understand why Mr. Xiang treats him like this?”
Xiang Tianxiao responded coldly: “What, are you jealous of him?”
Li Kai said unabashedly: “I’m a little jealous. I don’t understand. He’s just a beggar. Why would Mr. Xiang take him home? Even if he feels sorry for him, why don’t we just give him money?”
“Akai, I know you are a capable person, but you always lack one thing, do you understand?”
“I don’t understand, please clarify your doubts to the president.”
/“You lack vision. Otherwise, with your ability, you would definitely be able to sit in my position. But I have this vision. I can see that you are capable, so I promoted you to be my secretary. Of course, I can also see that. That Wei Renwu is a rare talent.”
“Since Mr. Xiang said that he is a talent, then I believe Mr. Xiang, and I also want