
to have a chat with them.”

The deputy director of this Spring Festival Gala from Central Continent spoke to Lian Li as soon as he arrived in Qinzhou.
“What’s wrong?”
Lian Li’s heart skipped a beat and he didn’t understand why the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala came over.
Start at review time.
There is something wrong with this matter.
If you want to say that the program was not selected, Zhongzhou shouldn’t have sent someone here in such a grand manner, at the level of deputy director.
If you want to say that the show has been selected, then there is no reason for Central Continent to send people. Anyway, the Fish Dynasty will definitely go to Central Continent.
“The situation is more complicated.”
The deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala patted Lian Li on the shoulder: “That’s why I made the trip myself to talk to them.”
“Oh well.”
The results are not revealed to themselves.
Lian Li was very dissatisfied, but he didn’t dare to show it.
The deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala is not an ordinary person, and he cannot afford to offend him, especially when Zhongzhou will be merged into the future, and most of the leaders in all walks of life will still be Zhongzhou people. As a native of Qinzhou, Lian Li does not want to offend such a person. You can only contact Yu Dynasty according to the other party’s request.
The night I received the contact.
Lin Yuan, Yu Chaoyang and others had a meal outside, and then headed to the Spring Festival Gala Selection Branch in Qinzhou together, discussing various matters on the way.
“what’s the situation?”
“I heard that someone is coming from Central Continent?”
“It seems like he’s still the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala?”
/“Is our program selected or not?”
“There’s something wrong with this.”
“It stands to reason that Zhongzhou doesn’t need to send anyone, let alone the assistant director himself.”
Lin Yuan said nothing.
Of course he had a premonition that something was wrong, but the outcome still depended on what Zhongzhou would say.
Got out of the car.
As soon as Lin Yuan, Yu Dynasty and others entered the hall, they saw a tall man coming towards them with enthusiasm on his face:
“Let me introduce myself, Chang An, the deputy director of Zhongzhou’s Spring Festival Gala. Have you had your meal?”
“have eaten.”
“Then let’s go in and talk?”
The deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala named Chang An was very polite and came down to greet him personally, which made everyone in Yu Dynasty more and more confused.
The show was selected?
The other party’s enthusiasm seems to be quite suggestive.
/Entering the conference room, someone prepared tea for everyone.
Chang An invited everyone to sit down and said with a slightly bulging belly: “The six programs prepared by Yu Dynasty are very exciting. Our entire Zhongzhou directing team members are full of praise. On behalf of the Zhongzhou Spring Festival Gala directing team, I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful performance.” Performances, I believe the