
diately thought of the previous video of a bunch of singers being lectured by Xianyu. At that time, Shu Yu seemed to be highlighted.

Lin Yuan smiled.
Shu Yu then bowed and walked away.
Her performance completely detonated the atmosphere in the judges’ table.
“How did Xianyu do it?”
“The level of many singers has been improved by him.”
“Fei Yang and Shu Yu have made particularly great progress”
“Because these two have the best understanding?”
“I’ll have to find someone to take some videos of Xianyu’s class later.”
The discussion didn’t last long.
Internal elimination continues.
Singers from the Fish Dynasty also appeared one after another.
/Chen Zhiyu.
The weakest member of the Fish Dynasty.
“It’s a bit confusing.”
“Chen Zhiyu’s level is at a critical point.”
“If you say he is great, he is still far from the top. If you say he is not good, he is indeed close to the top.”
/“The singer of the Yu Dynasty is still the best, Jiang Kui.”
“I think Sun Yaohuo is also good, but I don’t know why. He is easily underestimated.”
“You seem to be able to sing well?”
While everyone was discussing, Chen Zhiyu started singing.
Lin Yuan was rarely nervous. There was nothing he could do if Chen Zhiyu was eliminated. It was not easy to use the back door in this kind of thing.
However, this nervousness quickly disappeared as Chen Zhiyu sang.
The corners of Lin Yuan’s mouth curled up slightly.
Chen Zhiyu made a good start.
Where do impression points come from?
Because of Xianyu’s contribution to Qinzhou.
The level of many players has been improved by Xianyu, which is the biggest contribution.
Everyone knows that Xia Fan is from the Yu Dynasty, that is, from Xianyu, so as long as Xia Fan’s performance is acceptable, everyone will give him relatively good scores.
This is a common thought among many people.
Just spent the day like this.
Zhao Yingke was a little unhappy when she saw Xia Fan asking for credit from the representative: “It seems like no one has entered.”
Jiang Kui rarely pretended.
Chen Zhiyu and others were also very happy.
Lin Yuan smiled and said: “The next round is the most important. It will decide whether you can represent Qinzhou. Let’s do a special training.”
Everyone’s smiles suddenly disappeared!
Lin Yuan’s special training can be described in three words:
knock! Can! Afraid!
Think of Lin Yuan’s posture of giving lessons to hundreds of people.
That is to go straight to full fire and spray the whole audience with anger!
And if it was just a special training within the Fish Dynasty, it would be even scarier than the classroom!
Because there was no one to share the firepower for them, just a few people had to face the big devil Lin Yuan!
Lin Yuan knew why everyone’s expressions changed, because the upgraded version of the Master’s Halo was really scary.
He couldn’t control this either.
When the teacher’s aura is turned on, Lin Yuan will immediately enter the strict teacher mode.
Only in this way can we achieve the best teaching effect!