
r a level five strongman. Besides, if his own ability cannot deal with the enemy, the pattern ability on the buckler will not be of any help.

The biggest feature of David’s fifth-level buckler is its sturdiness. He used almost all his strength and used a lot of precious alchemy materials to create this buckler.
When encountering real danger, he didn’t want to expose too many abilities, so this fifth-level buckler played the best role.
The fifth-level buckler and the power of the fifth-level blood suppressed the corpse of the fourth-level sky knight. The exploding flesh and blood was blocked by the fifth-level buckler before it could spread around.
To be honest, the power contained in the exploding flesh and blood did not have a great impact on David. This kind of power might knock back an average fifth-level Templar a few steps, but for David it was completely within control. .
But the corpse explosion created by the fifth-level bishop Cameron was not that simple. After the green flesh was blocked, it hit the fifth-level buckler and turned into green mist, wrapping David in it.
If David didn’t block the corpse explosion, no one knew how many people would die from the green poisonous mist in the main city of Duner today.
Cameron, the fifth-level bishop who observed David through his magical eyes, was overjoyed. This poison was no ordinary poison, but he got it from a fifth-level bishop who was good at poison in Twilight of the Gods. , is a real level five poison.
Just when Cameron, the fifth-level bishop, was feeling delighted, his magical eyes saw what happened next, causing him to involuntarily open his mouth wide with a look of disbelief.
As soon as the green poison approached David, the ‘plague pattern’ in David’s soul space shone with light, and then the ‘plague pattern’ emitted a force of attraction, turning all the poison around him from reality to illusion. Inhaled into the ‘plague pattern’.
As the fifth-level poison disappeared, David stood up and looked at the deep broken marks left on the ground of the city wall with a gloomy expression.
He is not worried about powerful enemies. As long as he can face them head-on, he is completely confident that he can defeat them.
/But this weird opponent that couldn’t be discovered gave him a huge headache.
David summoned Xiaobai, who sniffed around after appearing and gave him a puzzled response.
David understood that Xiao Bai had not found any other powerful aura. Although he was disappointed, he also knew that Xiao Bai could not be blamed, so he took Xiao Bai back into the summoning ring.
The main reason why the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin could be easily tracked by Xiaobai was that the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin was careless.
The destruction mission was so simple and so simple that there was no danger at all. This made the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin never think that anyone would find his traces afterward.
Therefore, the fifth-level Bishop Gershwin did not use any techniques to hide his aura during the entire operation.
But Cameron, the fifth-level