
make up for the material gap, all the connections that the Felix family can mobilize have been activated.

I even sent people to collect strategic materials from mercenaries, but unfortunately it was still a drop in the bucket.
Although the relationship with the frontline coalition forces has been established, they are more willing to cooperate with those profiteers.
However, those profiteers still hated us, and none of them took our orders seriously.
This is also my responsibility. Not only had Hudson been underestimated before, but he also underestimated the power of businessmen, which led to the current situation. ”
Duke Kavadia reviewed with a depressed look.
This wave has really taught me a lesson. Before that, he had never imagined that the last bad thing was actually a group of businessmen.
I originally thought that with their strength, they could completely skip these middlemen and do business directly with the major forces on the front line.
It’s a pity that everything is too wonderful. It is true that the mainland aristocrats are one family, but everyone has their own little calculations, and it is impossible to follow their plans.
In the past, as long as the price was right, it would be okay for everyone to cooperate. But now that the alliance investigation team is about to arrive, no one wants to get into trouble.
Even if they have connections with one or two big nobles, they just falsely report battle losses, and there are not many strategic materials that can be traded.
If someone were to follow the clues and find out all of them, their reputation would be ruined.
In contrast, with more businessmen doing the turnover, everything becomes different.
“Check” means it was shipped from the rear. Major chambers of commerce can even provide the source of goods, and export data can be found at ports in various countries.
As for how they were able to cross the vast prairie and transport a large amount of strategic materials to the front line, that was a commercial secret.
“Kavadia, things have happened, and holding people accountable will not solve the problem.
The Felix family has not been able to smooth out the deficit, so naturally we are powerless.
Not to mention the small and medium-sized nobles below who are dependent on a few of us. Each and every one of them is either ruined or on the way to ruin.
/If it weren’t for the Koslow family’s lack of background and ability to reach out to the Frankish Kingdom, I would suspect that all of this was deliberately planned by Hudson, just waiting for us to jump into the pit.
Taking a detailed look at the transportation tasks performed by several of us, they are all full of difficulties and obstacles, and no one has had an easy time.
Every time we deliver strategic materials, we only need to sign and then ship them. Even the most basic demand verification is omitted.
It is obviously deliberately guiding us to reach out for logistics supplies. As long as the logistics headquarters pays attention, no one would dare to go so far!
I very much suspec