
regarded as the pinnacle of the showdown. A large group’s suicidal attack was met with Wang Xuan’s full resistance and fierce counterattack.

Among the tens of thousands of fire crows, there were some rotten golden crows. They led the team, but it was still ineffective. The golden feathers shattered and the sun fire in the sky was defeated by the man on the ground.
/When Wang Xuan swung his fist, more than a dozen colorful substances, as the extraordinary factors in the fist light, exploded the sky. In addition, there were sword wheels soaring into the sky, strangling all directions.
In the end, the group was in pieces, defeated by him alone.
The other four limit-breakers couldn’t do this at all, and would be piled to death here. Ten pure-blooded Golden Crows led the team, but the result was that the entire group was almost destroyed.
Wang Xuan frowned. If he defeated all the prowlers and monsters in the city, who would defend the city for him?
However, he really couldn’t care about it at the moment. If he didn’t kill those creatures, he would die. Now he was covered in blood, all of which was monster plasma.
It had not been like this for many years. He bathed in the blood of different supernatural creatures and charged forward through the monsters.
Soon, the top of the city was covered by fierce creatures again, one after another, flying dragons with lizard bodies and demon flesh wings, covering the sky.
“They are coming in sequence. Are you sure that the Hell God City is still a land without one?” Wang Xuan frowned, but it didn’t matter. They had already killed each other at this point. He wanted to enter the central giant palace to see what was going on.
Moreover, the further he moved forward, the clearer he felt that this giant city contained a mysterious Tao charm that was different from the extraordinary central universe.
This surprised him, but this was exactly what he pursued by choosing to come to hell five times to break the limit.
Even transcendent beings who want to become strangers are looking for the charm of Taoism in different universes, let alone true immortals. If they really want to obtain it, the benefits will naturally be considerable.
“There are indeed some problems, but you should be able to get in.” Mobile Phone Wonder said.
Then, it mentioned Dao Yun and said: “You can feel the benefits, right? In every giant city, there are Dao Yun of different civilizations.”
In a sense, the older a giant city is, the more “precious” it is.
Because the large number of wanderers who died here have deviated too far from the extraordinary central universe of this era, and are very different from the current Daoyun.
“Kill!” Wang Xuan didn’t care about this. At the moment, he was slaying the dragon. A halo of light appeared outside his body, and all the sword energy was spraying out. He jumped into the sky.
In the sky, tens of thousands of flying dragons gathered. If it were anyone else, they would be crushed directly.
However, Wang Xuan bucked the trend and charged up. The bright sword wheel en