
poured out blue liquid along the way.

It was actually very effective, and the monsters that were about to attack calmed down again.
Wang Xuan showed a strange look and said to himself: “The Demon Court really has some skills and has developed a potion to deal with monsters?”
On the subsequent road, Wu Chengdao and the others poured out a large amount of potions, ranging from blue liquid to red to golden potions. It was obvious that each was more precious than the other and more effective than the other.
Cooperating with the fragments of the sacred object, they actually advanced steadily and quickly rushed into the depths of the giant city.
Wu Chengdao made a strange sound from his mouth, as if he was running a kind of holy scripture. The movement was not small, and he was casting it in conjunction with a spell.
His soul glowed, spreading out sacred ripples, and then the texture rushed in one direction, targeting the terrifying creature standing alone in the square in the center of the giant city.
Wang Xuan frowned, and he noticed a familiar quality in the other person’s movements.
/Soon, he understood that it was somewhat similar to the mental illness method, and was integrated into some kind of true Bible, and the combination was better.
However, it is said that it has the characteristics of the “True Sutra”, but the familiarity and unfamiliar Taoist rhyme are different.
At the same time, his spiritual eye also noticed the dilapidated and huge square in the center of the giant city. There was a creature that stood out from the rest. The other creatures were far away from each other. When they saw him, they were in awe and did not dare to approach him. trembling.
This is the power that is unleashed in the city. A prowler who has broken the limit five times has been stranded in the city for who knows how many years. In all the battles, he has been the most powerful one, and he has become the king of this huge city.
At this time, he moved. After he recovered, some marks on his body flowed with light. He took big steps and rushed towards the group of people in Demon Court.
As soon as he moved, the entire square and the densely packed monsters behind him rioted. The creatures in less than half the city revived and rushed forward with him.
Wang Xuan frowned. This situation is wrong. What do the people of Demon Court want to do? They cannot seek death. Can they really come here to recognize their relatives?
He already knew from the core disciples of Wujie Mountain that in the last era, a prominent figure in Demon Court died in battle here, and he came here to worship his ancestors?
What shocked him was that the 5th Limit Breaker shrunk to the ground and ran out, shocking the monsters in the city. However, when he approached the Demon Court group, he slowed down, although he still made a terrifying low roar and the evil energy was steaming. But he didn’t take action.
/“Senior, you were once a prominent figure in the Demon Court. In that era, you were all-powerful and powerful among the true immortals of all